A proposed resolution co-authored by Carmel City Council members Sue Finkam and Laura Campbell will likely ban gender-biased construction signage within Hamilton County’s largest city.


Finkam and Campbell state in their proposed resolution that signs such as “Men Working” or “Men at Work” have negatively impacted the welfare of women within Carmel. And “Men at Work” or “Men Working” signage communicates the false and unacceptable message that women cannot or should not work in the construction trades or other related fields.
In addition to regulating signage in their own community, Finkam and Campbell, in their proposal, encourage all other Hamilton County governmental units to examine signage used in their jurisdictions and take any actions they believe are appropriate to promote equality and remedy gender bias.
Slow, Carmel road crew ahead
Dumb asses. Help community, not divide!!!!!
I think it’s a great idea. Any “man” they have an issue with it, just clearly have an issue with the word women. Just admit your success and move on with your life #Women’sRightsAreHumanRights
This is not about doing the right thing based on feminist linguistic theory. This is about showboating your “wokeness” to the less educated in our community. Normally the changing of a few signs does not warrant an entire article unless there is an ulterior motive. What is your motive? Please do not put this bs in front of us and expect us to eat it.
DING DING DING ?!!! I would also love to know the actual reason behind this ridiculous article and I believe you hit the nail right on the head. But do you think we’ll get an answer to that question? Absolutely not! (You seem intelligent so please note that the below comments are not addressed to you but rather obviously the writer of this ridiculous article that I have now read and unfortunately digested it and it is now burned into my brain by Karen who wrote this absurd column!) I am a woman myself but I’m sorry adding woman to those cautionary signs telling people to beware slow down use common sense and please do not plow down the road workers it’s not gonna change anything by adding that a woman may be working there. I mean who in their right mind is going to say “well damn I had planned on plowing down one of those road workers because that sign says men working ahead but it says men and women and I couldn’t possibly plow down a woman“! Get real people! And more importantly get a life! I know were indoors a lot more than we used to be but there are still plenty of places to take a walk and if you wanna make a difference go volunteer somewhere! Places need volunteers more than they ever have whether it be the Humane Society, homeless shelters, and the list goes on and on and on so if you want to make a real difference in this world and by that I mean actually going out and doing something we’re at the end of the day good has came from what you have done maybe some animals have been adopted because of you or more people have been sad because of you because I’m here to tell you you can wake up in the morning and publish this BS all you want to but by the time you go to bed tonight you’re still the same person that has accomplished absolutely nothing today. Nothing positive anyway! But good luck with your new signs Karen! FYI I hope you’re paying for them and not the taxpayers of Carmel ! Geez it’s sad how many people need more friends or hobbies or even take up jogging or running or walk the trails at a park, do something for crying out loud but every time I think there can’t be anything more ridiculous something like this pops up and unfortunately I read it and now it’s stuck in my brain so thank you for that!
I think this is literally the best, most efficient and most logical way to make the signs. They would appease everyone, well let me back up a little bit because nothing in life could possibly or would ever possibly appease every single person. Someone would even have a problem with that. But I agree with you and think that would be the best way to do the signs if they need to remake them to begin with which I believe is ludicrous. People are just bored and looking for something to bitch about that’s all this boils down to. I think we all know when we see the sign there’s a possibility it could be women out there as well and the sign being changed to men and women working is not gonna make us drive safe for because we think a woman might be standing there. No matter what the sign says drive like you have common sense, pay close attention, slow down a bit, and don’t plow down the road worker. End of story, easy solution! Man people are bored these days I know Covid got people indoors a lot more often but damn there are plenty of places to take a walk go enjoy some scenery go do something with your lives because people literally look for anything to bitch about these days and I am a woman myself and it’s quite pathetic to be honest. Instead of using your time posting about a road sign that doesn’t specify that a woman may be out there holding a traffic sign go volunteer somewhere and make a difference in this world. A positive one I mean not one like this. ? wasn’t tired before but I feel like I guess I’ll go back to sleep for a few hours Because this whole thing has board me and also irritated me because I swear to God I feel like some people wake up in the morning and think OK “what can I do today to try to start a ridiculous pathetic and pointless argument and or discussion.” And I think they hope that it will gain some traction so that they look like a hero but most the time they’re just shot down as a pathetic boring person that never leaves their home and is bored beyond belief. There are way too many Karen’s in this world. Have a great day everyone!
Just another STUPID way to spend tax payer money. How much will it cost to put together new signs. We all know women could be working on these crews as well. Spend your time on something useful.
I agree. Sick of this ridiculousness!
If you have to waste our tax dollars on this, the most cost-effective way is to make 2 neutral signs for the approximate “2 or 3” workers that aren’t men. They can carry their stupid sign to the job site everyday. Stop pandering and stop wasting our tax dollars. When will this nonsense end. Ridiculous.
As a young Carmel taxpayer, I completely support this idea. The small amount that will go to making new signs is a small price to pay to to prove the progressive nature of our city. This will not only help put us on the right side of history but it will go a long way in attracting a younger professional demographic. This will help ensure the continued prosperity of our city well into the future. Keep up the good work.
Well smash your piggy bank open and see how much money you have so maybe you and Karen or whatever the hell her name is that wrote this dumb ass column to begin with can put your money together and make new signs because taxpayers sure as hell shouldn’t have to pay for it. And by the way I am a woman. But this is ridiculous. People are way too bored and need to find better things to do with their time it’s pathetic and it’s sad. Go volunteer somewhere do something with your time but Jesus Christ stop worrying about the smallest and dumbest shit because this isn’t one of them. Adding the word woman is not going to do anything. For instance it’s not going to cause less fatalities or accidents because the sign says woman. If it would do some good I could see paying the money to have the thousands of signs redone but since it won’t do any good what the fuck is the point in paying all of the money out of the taxpayers pockets including mine! All of you Karen’s need to get together learn how to knit or crochet and make lots of blankets and go drop them at homeless shelters children’s hospitals Red Cross things of that nature. Maybe start a food drive between all of you super sensitive ladies or I’m sorry “WOMEN” and then take that food so that thousands of kids are going to bed hungry at night or take it to a homeless shelter so that it’s a few more meals for those people have to sleep on the streets at night. Do something better with your time that’s actually productive because this shit is not it. You’re wasting your time and you look ridiculous. If the signs are going to be changed it should simply say workers ahead proceed with caution or even just workers ahead. There’s no damn need to specify man woman, he/she, bisexual, gay, Transgender, currently undergoing my sex change operation, none of that needs to be on the sign what in gods name does that have to do with anything? Do you know the answer? Jack shit that’s what it has to do with it. That sign is there simply to alert people that there are HUMAN BEINGS working alongside the road and to please proceed with caution as did not plow one of them down and kill them. Gender has absolutely nothing to do with it so why the hell put either. So instead of adding woman, and by the way I am a woman, remove the word man and just say road workers ahead! FML !!! Staying inside for so long has really started to go to some peoples heads. It’s pathetic it’s sad and it’s even a bit scary if I can be honest here! So please all of you Karen’s here on this thread maybe get each other’s phone numbers so that you can all complain about the word woman and you guys can go get money out of your savings accounts and then go to the road cruise or wherever it is you would deal with that and ask if you can pay out of your own pocket to add the word woman to every one of the thousands of signs used throughout the state. Or once again you can simply just change the damn sign to say road workers ahead. We are all human beings and everyone of our lives are valuable doesn’t matter for a woman or a man the sign is there to simply alert all of the drivers that there are human beings working on these roads to make them better for us and that we should proceed with caution and not plow them down and run them over and murder them with our vehicles. Doesn’t make it any less impactful or more impactful because it’s a woman or a man in the event that horrible tragedy were to occur. Good luck to all of you Karen’s here on this thread!
Yes you are #Sexist
YOU pay for the signs then!
Literally almost what I said Word for Word. Just like I told her. If you wanna make a difference maybe try going to volunteer somewhere where you’re actually doing some good. Instead of sitting behind your phone or your laptop or your computer desktop whatever it is you’re using to be a keyboard warrior. As I’ve stated in my other replies it’s not like adding woman is going to change the way we drive when we see roadwork ahead signs. It’s not like using caramel taxpayer money to add the word woman is going to make people change the way they drive. I can only imagine someone going down 31 and saying “well damn I was really hoping to start my day with my Starbucks that I just grabbed through the drive-through and then I was going to plow down a few road workers but now I noticed there’s women there also and I just can’t seem to bring myself to do that“! Guess I’ll have to find something else to do. I mean come on people. Find something actually productive to do with your lives because that article was absolutely absurd and it sounds like something within you you’re having issues with not an actual issue with the sign locking the word woman. So maybe see a therapist or whatever it is you need to do to deal with that but costing all of us money to add one word to every road sign is not going to make you better mentally or otherwise. The Hamilton County Humane Society desperately needs volunteers so do all of the homeless shelters in Indianapolis and lots of other cities throughout Indiana, Riley Hospital for children desperately always always needs people who can make little bitty hats for premature babies And tiny little mittens to keep babies from scratching their faces and blankets for all of the children at Riley hospital so if you know how to knit or make any of those items that would be an amazing thing to do with your time and if you don’t know how to do all of those things or any of those things for that matter, guess what? That’s even better because it gives you something to do for even a longer period of time because now you could learn those new skills and then use those skills to actually benefit and help the truly helpless in our society which are children that have to live in a hospital. Those are serious issues. So is the homeless issue throughout Indianapolis in many other cities and kids going to bed hungry at night so maybe start a food drive or take up a collection of pillows and sleeping bags and then drop them off to homeless shelters there’s lots of things you could do with your time but this article sure as hell isn’t one of them. Not to mention once again it’s not like you’re just saying something you want to take on yourself, it would include each and everyone of us hard-working taxpayers of Carmel ! It doesn’t matter what the damn sign says everyone knows that it means slow down pay close attention watch for human beings, it doesn’t matter and who gives a damn if it’s a man or a woman their life it’s still in Porten so you don’t have to add the word woman to make sure everyone is keeping their eyes peeled for the woman working on the road crew then sure they don’t plow her down and kill her. This is such common sense that it infuriates me. I beg of you Karen or whatever it is your name is that wrote the stupid pointless column please please find something better to do with your time. Because this isn’t it sweetheart!
I Agreed with u completely! If you can’t tell by my many many replies to other people. LOL! Happy day to you and stay safe!
Will the new signs say gender neutral workers working?
Dear ignorant carmel citizens, the signs should simply read: Workers Ahead. There’s no need to specify a gender. The ancient Men Working signs were made by cavemen.
Ok great let’s make them say women working. Oh wait you guys don’t like that? I’m so sorry that it hurts your fragile ego.
What are we supposed to call these idiots? Wo(man), Wo(men)…is just too sexist…there’s always a “man” involved with the (wo)mb… I know, let’s count x and y chromosomes. Oh wait, can’t do that…that would involve scientific fact.
EXACTLY!! Geez people are so damn sensitive these days. It’s literally IMPOSSIBLE to please everyone. I’m sure it’s beyond overwhelming for those that have to deal with these complaints constantly. Please do NOT confuse my words or even worse put Words in my mouth. These signs have been around longer than any of us. LOOOOONNNGGGG BEFORE a woman ever thought to be out there on ANY crew, roadside or otherwise. It’s absolutely an oversight certainly not done to hurt or offend anyone but I also completely understand where you’re coming from however the signs most certainly do not need to specify mail and or female. Because if we’re getting technical here which it looks like we are they’re also transgender some people are midway through a sex change so they are not quite finished yet so do we say make new signs that read “male, female and a little bit of both at work, use caution”! How about instead we just make new signs that say “HARD WORKERS AHEAD, PLEASE USE CAUTION”! SIMPLE and Pleases everyone. And if anyone could have a complaint about that then you know where I would tell him to stick it because then they’re just looking for something to argue about and that’s just sad.
EXACTLY!! Problem solved. End of story. Well I guess that’s worded incorrectly because there wasn’t a problem to begin with nor is there one currently. Anyone with common freaking sense knows that those signs have been around way way way before one then ever thought about working out there on the roads alongside men but anyone with common sense and I believe or at least I’d like to believe that most people know it’s a very strong possibility it could be also women out there but it’s not like changing the sign to say men and women working it’s going to make us say “oh sh*t, we better slow down and stop trying to plow the guys down that are on the shoulder working because that sign says there could be women and we wouldn’t want to hit them now would we”! Who gives a damn if it’s a man or a woman just drive like you have some sense when people are out there working and move on about your day. I’m so sick of people complaining or rather looking for the smallest and most Monday and pathetic and boring issues to complain gripe and bitch about. Get a damn wife. FYI I am a woman and I am sick of hearing it.
Thank God I thought I was literally the only person here with a sliver of any damn common sense. Because I have replied to several other people some idiots and some with logic but that’s exactly what I keep saying if you’re going to change the signs simply put road workers ahead. What the hell does it matter if it’s a woman or a man we are all human beings. And again as I’ve said several other times in replies adding the word woman would literally do absolutely NOTHING!! Well besides of course the caramel taxpayers having to foot the bill. Because I’m sure Karen here who wrote this dumb ass “article” (if u wanna even call this BS a article”) to begin with won’t be the one paying for it. I am a woman and I couldn’t give a damn if the sign is changed or not those signs were made so long ago and I don’t think adding the word woman is going to make people change their minds while driving and say “well shit I was going to plow a few of those guys down but now that I see the sign says woman I probably shouldn’t do that“! But if they’re going to change the signs at all once again and as you said it should simply say road workers ahead. It’s common sense and also quite terrifying at how many people lack the logic and basic knowledge to be able to understand if the signs going to be changed that that is what it should be changed to. Because if we’re going to change and we have to add woman because it’s the year 2021 and someone made a comment about adding the word woman because of the progression we have made in this that me other well if that’s the case I guess I should say “CAUTION, MEN, WOMEN, BISEXUALS, GAYS, TRANSGENDERS, BI-CURIOUS, THOSE NOT YET OUT OF THE CLOSET and SOME IN MID PROCESS OF CHANGING GENDERS ARE WORKING AHEAD! PLEASE DO NOT PLOW THEM DOWN OR COMMIT VEHICULAR HOMICIDE AS U HAD PLANNED WHEN IT WAS ASSUMED ONLY MEN WERE ROAD WORKERS”! How’s that Karen? Does that include everyone for you? That way no one’s left out. Just want to make sure in the event someone’s in the mood to plow down a road worker we want to make sure everyone’s covered so when that lunatic comes upon that sign everyone’s listed so there’s no excuse that they didn’t know that before they plow down one or multiple Road workers that they didn’t know that there was a few gay guys or a bisexual woman or someone mid sex change. I think the best idea would be for all the Karen’s on this thread to swap numbers become friends find something productive to do but for the love of God do not post it on here again because I can guarantee you it would be complaining and bitching and whining about the most Mundane pathetic useless and pointless topics.
As a carmel tax payer I really am disgusted by this shit. As if there arent more important things to deal with then fucking gender terms. This is fucking ridiculous.
These poor darlings are so offended by everything. If they really wanted to follow the stupidity of today’s trends they should include all 72 of the “new” gender neutral designations on the signs.
It’s pretty amazing how foolish, so called “smart” people, can be. I hope that when they come up for reelection next term that they refer to themselves as “person x” on the ballots…that will make it real easy to vote for the other guy.
No, what’s stupid is being triggered by being progressive and including women on science. #TriggeredAsshole
I want control over my tax dollars. This is the ludicrous pandering of the day. Just STOP. If Carmel residents are offended over a sign – just move. Most of us are working and don’t have time for your whining nonsense.
Well clearly people like you don’t work otherwise you wouldn’t be on here bitching about a simple change the sign LOL #TriggeredSexist
I work a lot. Nice try. I also pay attention to where my tax dollars are being spent. This is NONSENSE being pushed by people trying to foster some lame persona for themselves – self important BS. Stop whining and make real contributions to society!
The Mayor spent $400,000 on a hairy ball sack in the roundabout outside Kroger. You NEVER had control of your tax dollars. I guess you should run for Mayor if you want control. How sad to be so upset over some road signs.
When will the stupidity end? The above comment from “Worker” is the perfect illustration of said stupidity. Grow up.
I am so sick of this, so glad I moved away from Carmel.
Only in Carmel. Not surprising they so much want to be seen as coastal elites
Words matter, representation matters….a gender neutral sign would be much appreciated!
Why does it have to be gender specified to begin with? We are all human being so how about just changing the sign to “Road workers ahead, proceed with caution”! Who gives a damn if it’s a man a woman a he/she a transgender someone going through a sex change a gay guy a bisexual woman by curious man none of that matters the point is we are all human beings so it doesn’t need to say man or woman at all. That’s the problem is when you think it needs to say or specify man or woman. I’ve said it 1000 times now in my replies on here do you think that by adding the word woman somebody’s gonna be driving down 31 and think ? “ well damn I was gonna plow down a few road workers today but I noticed the sign else says women as well and I wouldn’t want to hit a woman so I guess I’ll keep going and try a different time or a different city where the sign says men’s still only“! Bottom line is that sign is there to keep ALL HUMAN BEINGS SAFE!! Who gives a shit that it’s a man or a woman it should simply say workers ahead or road workers ahead however it be worded is great but it does not need to say men and women working ahead that’s just way too extra and over the top. The point of those signs aren’t to point out that “oh look women can be road workers too now”! The point of the sign in case you’re not aware as to simply alert drivers that they are human beings actual people and who gives a damn what gender they are but the sign is the show us to please proceed with caution possibly scoot over Alene if you have the ability to do so and slow down a little bit and watch what you’re doing a bit more than maybe you typically would so that they are safe while they are on the road working to make our roads better. Anyone that thinks otherwise and feels that the sign would be better off by adding the word woman clearly has way way way deeper issues than this damn sign thread or topic because this is absurd and by the way I am a woman. And even I think this is ludicrous. Not to mention taxpayers including myself would have to pay for this ridiculous change to be made. The bottom line is once again man woman or even in between whether it be gender or sexual orientation or age or ethnicity, none of that matters the bottom line is we are all human beings in the sign is there to protect those they’re working on our road ways to make it better for us to drive on said roads. So simply change the damn sign to say workers ahead or road workers ahead please proceed with caution or whatever! There’s 50 different ways you can word it but it sure as hell does not need to say man or woman. And anyone that thinks it does has once again many many deeper issues than a damn road sign so you may want to get those checked out. Good luck to you! I’m done on this whole thread because it’s just absurd ridiculous pathetic and sad. All the Karen’s that are here on this page underneath this bullshit column need to swap numbers and hang out together and maybe come up with a better solution to waste your time. Once again I’ve said it several times maybe put together a food drive for the mini mini people that go to bed hungry at night including children sadly, or put together a fundraiser to raise money for sleeping bags and pillows and brown bag lunches for the homeless, if you don’t already know how to knit and or crochet maybe if all the Karen’s got together I can guarantee you a few of the Karen’s know how you could all learn how to knit and or crochet and make tons of blankets and take them to Riley Children’s Hospital nursing homes and I could go on and on and on forever. The Hamilton County Humane Society is looking for volunteers, there’s just so much you could do with your time but instead you waste it on worrying about a damn word being added to a fucking sign that’s not going to make a damn bit of difference. Because to me anyone being that persistent about adding the word woman is trying to differentiate the difference between human beings and women. We are all human beings all of our lives are important it’s important that no one is plowed down on the side of the damn highway or hit by anyone’s car doing 55 down 31 while they’re trying to fix the roads that we drive on and I don’t think adding the word woman is going to prevent any of those fatalities or injuries. But it’s like all the Karen’s feel like if the word woman is added then the world would know oh my gosh women have something to do with making the roads better! Get the hell out of here with that that’s so pathetic and sad. Find something better to do with your time. This is my last reply because when I first read this ridiculous bullshit call him I was sitting up and I’ve literally slumped further and further down into my bed and I am currently now completely on my pillow and fully covered up and ready for a nap because this has board me to the point that now I’m tired so I’m going to take a nap while of all of the Karen’s sit and cry about the word woman being missing from a sign that was created back in caveman times. Please for the love of God if you want to make a difference find another way to do it because this is the most absurd pointless and Ridiculous way of going about it I think I’ve ever seen. Not to mention, I don’t think I’ve seen one of the Karen’s on here offered to pay and foot the bill for the entire job for every single damn sign to have the word added. And it’s proof that something deeper is going on inside certain peoples heads when it’s so critical and important to them that the word woman be added but they have a huge issue with instead of removing the word man and just changing it all together to say road workers ahead or even just workers ahead! ??♀️ some people need more friends. I’m not saying you…. Maybe…. But reading some of his comments it’s very very very clear and extremely apparent that lots of people on here need many more friends and if you all get together I’m sure you can find ways to help this community and many other communities in a very positive and fantastic way. But putting a damn word on a fucking sign on the side of 31 is not going to make our community or R. City a better place in any shape or form. Think about what you say before you say it and sound like a dumb ass! Have a great day and I hope you and your family stay safe healthy and happy! Happy Sunday everyone!
I don’t object to changing the signs to read “Workers Ahead” or something equally generic. I do object to the proposition that “signs such as ‘Men Working’ or ‘Men at Work’ have negatively impacted the welfare of women within Carmel.” Carmel women, as most women, are far too intelligent and confident to be harmed by innocuous—if anachronistic—signage. I also object to our elected officials wasting taxpayer money on a silly resolution. Just change the signs and post them without calling attention to your virtue signal.
Great comment.
Let’s get rid of all female names,and all male names. Chris works,and Gale,and Terry,and Lynn just to name a few.While we are being so stupid let’s stop with wife and husband,and penis and vigina.Women are not fragile little flowers. Women are the glue that keeps society together, what the hell. Common sense needs to fight this cancer.
Words matter. One had to wonder why people are so triggered by inclusive language. I’m glad Carmel is working to address the exclusive language on signs.
Thank you.
YOU pay for the signs then!
It’s 2021. People Working, Work Crew Ahead, etc. are all better signage. I recall most of the signs I currently see in Carmel are simply “Slow” which is really the purpose of the sign, to get drivers to slow down.
I’m offended by that! You have now alienated millions of people that are struggling with learning disabilities… Slow? This bullying and name calling has got to stop! Oh, the humanity!
Words matter. There is zero need for the signs to be gender specific. I appreciate this resolution being presented.
It is disturbing that most of the negative and unhelpful comments are from men. Thank you for working to address the issue of language on the signs with an intentional effort to make Carmel more inclusive.
These women need to get a life.
Really? How has it “negatively” affected women? I must register my objection to the waste of money by elected officials. Wow! Just stupidity run amok! Grow up
I love how it’s only triggered white dudes on here complaining about including women on the sign LOL just shows how racist and sexist Republicans really are
I’m clearly not a “white dude”. To be clear, I’m not “offended” either as that’s not my generation. We’re sane and strong and not crying all the time. Enraged – that’s the word. I’m enraged at the stupidity and wastefulness.
I do like the non- gender specific signs. But no need to buy new ones to replace signs. Use a sharpie . I also don’t like the signs that say the name of the mayor that taxpayers have to pay for. You can not tell me that any resident call google his name for a phone number and he will actually pick up. Carmel used to have the signs say City Hall and the phone number. I was so proud of them for that.
Did we really need a proposition on this? Couldn’t we make some changes to the signs without making a big deal? What is Carmel doing to make an impact on the racial and financial issues that impact the Carmel and surrounding communities?
Again more incompetent city leaders exposed. Im sure these two believe that boys who claim to be female or whatever can play in girls sports.
These two have no place making decisions for this community. Vote them the hell out .
“work Area” is a common sign that mentions no genders. There is no reason to keep promoting the stereotype that only men do road construction. Sue and Laura are right on and I hope other city councilors support their effort including at the county level.
As a woman in the construction industry, I don’t see how hard it would be to begin making “crew ahead” or “work ahead” signs and phase out the old signs as they are aged. My feelings are not hurt when I see “Men at Work” signs, but I do laugh, because it really is archaic. Women have been all over this industry a while.
Happy to see Carmel recognize the contributions of all its workers. All of you worried about the expense should be comforted by the fact that it likely represents only a tiny fraction of say, the $2.5M being spent on one roundabout sculpture. But methinks you do protest too much for that to be your true concern.
Actually I’m rather offended by the hairy “male sculpture” at rangeline and kroger. Who approved this “art”?
But are people ACTUALLY working? I propose PEOPLE LEANING ON SHOVELS AHEAD!
Thank for being forward thinking, and progressive. It’s important to change out antiquated phrasing for our youngsters to grow up in a more inclusive environment! Kudos to Carmel, proud to live in this community!
Representation matters. And if you’re crying about your taxes in Carmel, move your hypocritical little self out of the most expensive county in probably the Midwest. But you’re making it loud and clear that you value a couple pennies over equality. Congratulations on being a garbage human
How many female construction workers were actually polled to determine whether or not this is an actual issue?
Virtue signaling is NOT a good way of spending tax payer money.
Common sense is what the Midwest used to pride itself on. As a LEGAL immigrant that was one of the reasons I moved here. It’s sad to see loud divisiveness that is being spread by “progressives”. Equality means NOBODY is special and receives special treatment. The current “equality” narrative is the most discriminatory I’ve heard in a long time.
Blind spending for “equality, diversity and inclusion” is a terrible financial policy. Especially since it is mainly based on positive discrimination.
It’s time for people to calm down and think before speaking. That may not be progressive or popular, but your mom and/or grandma taught you that for a reason!
It is a fallacy to conclude these types of progressive policies equate to better economics and other outcomes. If so, why have folks such as this evacuated their precious progressive locations and moved here…a conservative city that has been fantastic for a hundred years. Wake Carmel and vote these coastal wannabes out of office and ensure they are treated like they treat the Carmel natives.
Kara….you are not a Carmelite. This city has been a conservative bastion of midwest greatest longer than you have existed. Take your woke triggered ignorance to indianapilis where they like your ignorant type
What JB said ?? Ditto. Embarrassing! Not only the gibberish but the insinuation about the city and its residents. Where is the therapy that can help these woke little crybabies become less fragile and start contributing something useful to society instead of thinking of ways to be offended and pretending to be activists. Sad.
I am curious what the response would be if all the signs had said “Women Ahead” or “Women Working” and men just had to put up with it. Do I like spending money on something like this, no. It is my tax dollars as well. Is it a small cost to help address a much larger issue? Yes. If you do not see the discrimination and bias in this and the ways that all these minor indicators attribute to keeping women from having the same voice and opportunities in areas typically held by men, then that may be because you haven’t lived it. Let’s review the budget in detail and see what other areas of ” waste” continue to be funded before deciding this is what needs to go.
Why does it have to be about gender at all? Is it not important at all human beings do their job without being plowed down by a pick up truck, a semi truck or even I’m just assuming by the way you speak your electric Smart car I’m sure that would still hurt if you’re doing 60 down 31. The point of the sign is to prevent injury and or death so how about the sign simply states “workers ahead, proceed with caution“! End of story bottom line problem solved! What the hell does adding the word woman add to the situation in a positive way. Because if that’s the case should we also say transgender, gays, bisexuals, bi-curious and potentially those in the middle of a sex change working ahead! No matter what the gender is sexual orientation ethnicity race or anything else have anything to do with the purpose of that damn sign being there. For those who are not aware of the FUKKIN sign is there to prevent people from being plowed down by pick up truck semi trucks cars etc. so why in the hell does it matter if it says man woman or he/she ???? What’s the problem with that simply saying, road workers ahead, proceed with caution? Or maybe even just workers ahead? Why the hell does it need to add the word woman because aren’t we all human beings? Doesn’t every single one of our lives matter as much as the next human being? So who gives a flying shit if the sign says man, woman, or some in between, and some almost complete with their full sex change? Doesn’t make it any less tragic and or devastating if any person is plowed down on the side of the road while doing their job. So if the sign is to be changed it should be changed simply to workers ahead and remove the genders altogether problem solved. But those who insist on adding the word woman rather than removing the word man and simply stating that there are people working ahead on the road to fix the very roads we drive on have much deeper psychological issues and mental challenges that may need to get checked out and possibly medicated. I’m done I’ve wasted too much of my Sunday already on this bullshit. I get more more and more worried every time I come upon some shit like this that this is the world I’m leaving behind for my children to see such petty and illogical, bored people who would rather sit around and write about this bullshit then to get out there and actually do something good in this world. Go volunteer somewhere there’s tons of places if you need some ideas feel free to reply to my message and I’ll give you 20 right off the top of my head you can actually do some good in this community rather than sitting behind your phone or your laptop crying about adding the word woman to a fucking road sign like it makes a damn bit of difference. At the end of the day the bottom line is we’re all fucking human beings we’re all out there doing our jobs and at the end of the day our goal is the same to make it home to our families. Which for most of us is primarily the reason we do what we do all day while at work anyways for our families. And road workers are no exception they’re out there busting their ass while it’s snowing raining hot as shit outside freezing ass cold but they’re doing it anyway to make OUR ROADS better. So if all these crybaby ass Karen’s would get together and swap numbers or addresses or whatever or take a Starbucks to meet at guarantee you could come up with some actual good deeds that you could do to make yourself feel good about yourselves because at the end of the day that’s all Karen’s give a shit about making themselves look good and feel good about themselves. It’s all egos and that’s it. The Hamilton County Humane society desperately needs volunteers so go give that a try!! Myself and my twin girls that will be 19 in May go at least once a week but we try to make it a goal to go twice a week but if I could I would volunteer every day at the shelter. But if pets aren’t your thing there are homeless shelters that need volunteers if you know how to sew and or crochet or net or whatever it is you do to make blankets because I haven’t quite learned make a shit ton of blankets and drop them off at homeless shelters or start a food drive of some sort and then drop that food off at homeless shelters call A homeless shelter and ask what days the public can come in and help serve the meals to the homeless people. That’ll humble your ass real quick and then will see you when you bring your ass back to your fancy ass house in Carmel while driving your Tesla if you’re crying about adding the word woman to a road sign or not. God the biggest issues we have in this world and we got people in this community sitting on the freaking high horse is crying about the dumbest shit. If you know how to make small blankets and small pillows or take up a stuffed animal collection even here on next-door you’d be amazed how the community on next-door comes together. And then take those stuffed animals and distribute them at Riley hospital for children or other children’s hospitals also. There’s so much good that you could be doing rather than this these two ladies right in this bullshit about this dumb ass issue about these road signs and then people who feed right into it and eat this shit up. If you’re going to be passionate please let there be good cause behind it and not this dumb shit. I’m done with this topic because I’ve already wasted 30 minutes of my life on this dumb shit so to all of the MEN and WOMEN in Carmel and/or Westfield it is absolutely the best community I’ve ever ever had the pleasure of being part of and I hope to be here until the day I die. But I hope all of you have a fantastic Sunday if anyone took offense to anything I said I apologize but I mean every word of it I don’t ever say anything that I don’t mean and I don’t mean to say anything to be rude obnoxious or to hurt anyone’s feelings just very frustrating to see someone get passionate about such an ignorant topic when there are real issues in this world and real people that need real help and people get serious and upset and passionate over a dumb ass word being added to a road sign but there’s Starving children going to bed at night hungry, some being homeschooled and they’re so hungry they literally can’t even do their schoolwork on their chrome books because they’ve had no food to eat all day, people sleeping outdoors at night because they’re homeless and have no blankets and a pillow some have no socks or shoes and again some of them can’t sleep because they haven’t eaten in God knows how many days. Seeing those things up close and personal however can get deep into your soul and bother you severely because it’s very hard to see even though you’re going there to help them you know that you’re turning around and then going back to your house that you paid $750,000 for and it’s a hard pill to swallow although I busted my ass and so did my husband for everything that we have but that’s not the point so if those kind of things aren’t for you than the animal shelter is an awesome idea just to go in and help them out even for just an hour one day a week makes you feel so good inside to know you’ve made A difference and you’ve helped people out and animals. And it’s super incredible when a family walks in the door and they’re looking to adopt a pet whether it be a dog or a cat and you’re the specific person that helps match them to their new for baby and that’s a pretty awesome feeling to watch them walk out the door when you’ve been volunteering in that same dog has been in that kennel for over three months and then you finally get to see her go home to her forever home it is beyond amazing so give it a try. But please for the love of God people we’ve all had it so hard since about this time last year please don’t get so Passionate about such dumb shit as this. Also I must add because I am a fantastic speller in my grammar is exceptional but I am using talk to text on my iPhone and it seems with every update it gets worse and worse so I’m kind of tired it’s Sunday it’s gloomy and this whole conversation has made me tired because my brain just can’t process half of what I read because it seems like it’s not even real to read that people are so serious about adding the word woman to a damn road worker sign it’s just unfathomable. Anyways to my entire carmel Westfield community spend the day with your family if you have that opportunity it looks like a gloomy Sunday so as my daughters and I are going to do spend that time maybe trying some new recipes and then watching movies I’m so excited for my girls to get up and spend our day making some new banana recipes. If anybody wants some awesome awesome over-the-top blow your mind banana recipes I got you. The one I’m most excited to make today is monkey bread with banana. Anyway I know that’s way off topic but I like to end everything I say on a positive and high note. I hope everyone of my community has a fantastic Sunday with their families or whether it’s there working or even if they’re home by themselves I hope you have a fantastic and wonderful day and I pray for you and your family to stay safe, healthy and happy always and I’m so proud to be part of this amazing community!
The comments on this story are absolutely atrocious. I can’t believe so many people are upset the signs will be inclusive. “Crew at work”. I mean the horror!! Women got the right to vote in 1920. It was 1974 before we could get credit cards. I am not understanding why it matters the signs say “Crew”. Are men that fragile? If you have an issue I think it’s time to take a long hard look at why this upsets you and seek some therapy.
First of all … I am a white woman (with correct chromosomes) and I’m here to tell you “women don’t rule the world”. lol. You should go by your real name. Why are you so disrespectful of men? Secondly, men are not the only residents furious with this ridiculous spending of our tax dollars. Your attack on men and insinuations are typical of a generation hell bent on whining and accomplishing nothing but posting what you think are clever comebacks on social media. Maybe you’re the one that needs the therapy – try to lead – not follow.
This is awesome!! Welcome to 2021!! I am so proud Carmel is looking ahead for all our daughters and granddaughters. It’s sad to see so many upset little men that have their feelings hurt. It’s March, we don’t have time for more snowflakes.
Carmel and Fishers used to be conservative but with the last election, the progressive invaders have arrived. And this stupidity of Men Working signs shows their progressive ignorance and wanting attention. Oh Please, stop this stupidity!
Ya’ll should be as passionate about an issue the next time a school referendum for several hundred million dollars out of YOUR pockets comes up .. and invariably passes, not to provide ‘for the children’, but for sports facilities & middle managers.
That very reality is on it’s way given the recent HB 1005 & SB 412 making their way into law.
Instead the community gets all emotionally invested in this sort of thing ?