NHS show choir named ‘Indy’s Best’

NHS Senior Maggie Brechbill performs with the NHS Singers, which is the mixed choral group. (Photo provided by Noblesville Schools)

Noblesville High School’s (NHS) show choir has earned the title of Indy’s Best from Fox 59, a competition that brought in nearly 6,000 votes total and included finalists from Avon, Pendleton Heights, and Center Grove. “It’s great for this community because it’s such an arts supportive community,” said John Neubauer, director of the school’s choir program. Other choirs in the program include the all-male MaleTonez, the junior varsity all-female Sensation, and New Dimension, another all-female group. The choir program has one last free performance at 7 p.m. on May 20 in NHS auditorium. Click here to learn more about choral program.