NHS graduates celebrate 62nd high school reunion

(From left) Doug Stoops, Joe Burris, Linda Tomlinson, Marsha Shanks, Sharlene Guilkey, Carolyn Kennedy, Sandy Young, Sharon Haymaker, Jake Waterman, Anne Rae Michael, Pat Goodwin, Larry Baker Pat Gang, Geraldine Landis, David Roberts, Liz Wood, Linda Dugger, John Sampson, Freda Wyatt, Charlotte Gilbert. (Photo provided)

The Noblesville High School Class of 1961 held their reunion last Saturday at Osprey Pointe at Morse Reservoir. They enjoyed a great pitch-in/potluck and especially catching up on the latest news about each other. Their 63rd reunion is planned for 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturday, Aug. 24, 2024 at the same location. Just remember: “We’re the class of ’61, we’re the class that had the fun!”