NHS girls lacrosse wins at home

The Noblesville varsity girls lacrosse team made school history on Saturday by winning its first home game of its inaugural season as a school sponsored sport.
The Millers defeated the Wildcats of Westminster Christian Academy from St. Louis, Missouri by the score of 11-10. Noblesville is now 2-2-1 for the season.
Both teams started hot, tallying two goals apiece in the first 1:41 of the game, but the Wildcats had the upper hand at halftime by a score of 8-6. The Millers’ defense took over the second half by keeping the Wildcats scoreless for the first 23 minutes of the half.
Noblesville junior Erin Wilson led the team on defense by grabbing 11 groundballs, forcing three turnovers and making an interception. Junior Kayla Kubel was the offensive leader scoring three goals. The Millers also controlled the draws by winning 13 of 23 times, led by junior Kat Green (five draws).
The Millers host Guerin Catholic on Tuesday, March 20. The varsity Laxers will play at 6 p.m. and the junior varsity will play at 7:30 p.m.