New offices planned for coroner and parks

The Hamilton County Parks Department and the County Coroner will soon have a new home. Hamilton County Commissioners are purchasing a building at the intersection of Lafayette Road and Lakeview Drive in Noblesville for the two departments.

The new location will give parks and the coroner additional space and free up much needed room for the county health department where the coroner has been located in recent years.

The County Council last week appropriated funds of about $850,000 for the purchase, according to Commissioners administrative director Dan Stevens. Closing is planned about May 1.

The building, originally home to the Charles L. Howard insurance agency, is near the Riverview Hospital morgue, which will also be helpful for the coroner.

There may be action on county commissioners’ next meeting agenda, April 13, toward signing a contract for the previously announced three-level parking garage at 8th and Clinton streets. It will provide parking for county employees and the public.

Action on the garage was postponed at the last meeting because of needed attention being devoted to the pandemic emergency, said Commissioner Steve Dillinger.