New hot shot

Sheridan freshman Trey Page broke the school record for 3-pointers during the Blackhawks’ home opener last Saturday against Anderson Prep Academy. Page hit nine 3s to help Sheridan beat the Jets 72-43. (Dwight Casler)

Sheridan’s Trey Page breaks school record for 3-pointers


In only his second game as a high school basketball player, Sheridan’s Trey Page has rewritten the record books.

The freshman gave the crowd at Larry Hobbs Hall a show last Saturday night when the Blackhawks played their home opener against Anderson Prep Academy. Page made a school-record nine 3-pointers during Sheridan’s 72-43 victory over the Jets.

The ‘Hawks were in control from the start, leading 21-7 after the first quarter and 41-17 at halftime. Page had three 3s in the first half, then threw in five more 3s in the third period. He added a ninth 3 in the fourth quarter.

Page scored 39 points on 15-of-20 shooting from the field, 9-of-13 from 3-point range. In addition, Caleb Wright added 11 points, while Trent DeCraene reached double-double status with 11 points and 10 assists. Damon Winston led the rebounds with nine, while Wright had six rebounds and six assists. Tyler Garner had four rebounds and Page made four steals.

Sheridan opened its boys basketball season Friday by falling to Clinton Prairie 57-51 in a Hoosier Heartland Conference game on the road.

The Gophers blasted through the first quarter to lead 15-2 by the end of the period. The Blackhawks chipped away at Prairie’s advantage over the next three quarters, but the Gophers were able to stay ahead.

Page led the scoring in his first-ever varsity game with 14 points, making three 3-pointers along the way. Winston added 13 points and DeCraene scored 12. Garner collected eight rebounds, with Winston grabbing five. DeCraene dished out seven assists.

Sheridan is 1-1 and hosts Faith Christian on Tuesday, then travels to Clinton Central Friday for another HHC game.