A planned interchange at U.S. 31 and 236th Street will likely mean new development near the increasingly busy intersection, predicts County Commissioner Mark Heirbrandt.

Anticipating potential development in the area around the new interchange, Martin Wessler Engineering Company has requested to meet with county commissioners Monday. The firm, located in Carmel, will speak to commissioners about a possible wastewater plant at Bakers Corner, just west of 31. They will also seek to have the county cooperate in conducting a water available study.
Both water and sewers would probably be needed for any major development. The county could, if officials wish, likely use COVID relief funds to assist in a study which involves finding locations of underground water supplies in the county.
Heirbrandt also noted that the county is in the process of improving 236th Street between Cicero and Sheridan, which will further ease access to U.S. 31.
The commissioner said the Wessler firm asked for the meeting with commissioners, and “we will just be there to learn what they have to tell us.”
The presentation will follow Monday’s regular meeting.
The Indiana Department of Transportation is gradually converting all grade-level intersections on 31 to modern interchanges.