Ushering in a new era of transparency, accountability, and fiscal stewardship, the Carmel City Council, with Mayor Sue Finkam’s support, approved the formation of a new committee to review the city’s ties to affiliate non-profit organizations.
Unanimously approved at Monday’s council meeting, the Affiliate Review Committee builds upon efforts initiated earlier this year by Mayor Finkam.
In August, the Mayor addressed the significant expenses associated with Promote Carmel, Inc. with the closing of the All Things Carmel retail store, then took action toward further strengthening the Christkindlmarkt through a new governance framework. And in October, the mayor launched the financial transparency portal. Providing residents with a clear and detailed look into the city’s financials, the portal makes it easier than ever to track where and how public funds are being spent.
“I look forward to continuing the work already underway alongside the city council and this new committee,” Finkam said. “This action by the council brings an additional level of accountability and transparency to our work that will ultimately benefit our taxpayers.”
The Affiliate Review Committee will review and produce a summary of the purpose of each non-profit associated with the city, its governance structure and federal tax requirements, potential conflicts of interest, compensation of executives, city investments in the organization to date and a current balance sheet of the entity’s assets and liabilities.
Following Monday’s meeting, City Council President Tony Green said he was pleased with the mayor’s support and the unanimous approval by council members.
“Our council members have repeatedly demonstrated a commitment to support our city. This latest action by our mayor and council places further emphasis on efficiency and stewardship, making an enduring impact on our city’s operations and finances,” Green said.
Jeff Worrell, council member at-large, sponsored the resolution that formed the new committee.