Neither a techie nor a fashionista


From the Hart

Sometimes understanding technology is truly like understanding rocket science. I am challenged.

Tuesday afternoon I sent a text to my oh-so-smart daughter-in-law, Angie: “Do you know how to scan pictures and put them on my computer?”

Her response: “If you get the app cam scan you can send it to your email, then you can save it from there.”

My response: “You lost me.”

Angie responds with: “I’ll be over and show you tonight.”

I believe Angie might have been chuckling as she wrote back her response.

I needed to add pictures to my book and I had never scanned a photo or anything else for that matter.

It was Angie to the rescue, along with a bit of assistance from my granddaughter, Abby, who is a freshman at Indiana University. Hooray for Facetime!

Angie is not a friend to a Mac computer. Abby and the Mac were acquaintances.

Let’s just say we got ‘er done but it wasn’t a smooth effort on my part.

Go into Settings. Click on Printers. Click on Scan. Open the scanner. Adjust the perimeters of the area you want to scan. Scan.

I then lost track if I uploaded or downloaded or imported, but eventually, pictures seem to magically appear on the pages of my book.

Chuck often says, “Technology is wonderful … when it works.” It wasn’t an easy accomplishment but eventually, it was wonderful.

I spent several hours on Wednesday adding pictures and deleting pictures and looking through old photo albums my mom had stored in a closet. Some pictures I had never seen before. It wasn’t that I was adding so many photos, but that I got somewhat distracted looking at pictures from the 1940s, 1950s and … well, you get the picture.

I looked my way through several decades of photo albums until I got to the 90s. I found a picture of my daughter when she was 10 years old, almost the same age as her daughter, Leah, is now. She had big, permed 90s hair and was wearing a black and white polka-dot dress with two large hot pink bows above the ruffles along her hips. I sent the picture to Emily who showed it to Leah. Leah thought her grandmother had no fashion style back then, to dress her daughter so gaudily. And that hair??? While I would love to share the picture I found, I realize Emily will probably be the one picking out my health campus when I’m old. I’ll hide that picture.

It was a wonderful day down memory lane. I hope the pictures will bring my words to life when you see them in the book.

It was a short trip as I was soon back to the present uploading and downloading and importing.

I want to thank Angie for her patience and for being so willing to help me when I’m lost in the world of technology. I want to apologize to Emily. I thought she looked cute back then. I have more pictures to show just how cute I dressed her. Oh, yes … I’ll hide those too.

Beauty is in the eye of the mother. Leah is just happy that I am not her mother.

I’ve come a long way in the world of technology and fashion. Well, that is my opinion, anyway.