Need pointers on finishing your book?


Award-winning Noblesville author Larry Sweazy can help aspiring novelists stop procrastinating and finally finish those writing projects.


During a free workshop on March 16 sponsored by the Woman’s Press Club of Indiana (WPCI) Education Fund, Sweazy will share proven tips and strategies for finishing projects as well as ideas about time management, building a writer’s toolbox, and how to live life as a writer.

“The hardest part for writers of fiction first novels is finishing what they start,” Sweazy said. “Great ideas tire out. Real life gets in the way. Doubt overtakes the dream.”

Participants are urged to bring pen, paper, and be prepared to write during the interactive workshop.

Sweazy is the critically acclaimed, multiple-award-winning author of 19 novels, one short story collection, and 40 short stories, including the Trusty Dawson, U.S. Deputy Marshal Westerns, the Sonny Burton series, the Josiah Wolfe Westerns, and the Marjorie Trumaine Mysteries.

The workshop will be held from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. on Saturday, March 16 in the small auditorium at the College Avenue Library Branch, 4180 N. College Ave., Indianapolis. While the workshop is free, space is limited, so save a seat by emailing by 6 p.m. Friday, March 15. The same email can be used by participants to request more information about the workshop.

This event is not sponsored by the Indianapolis Public Library, so all reservations and requests for information must be sent to WPCI contacts.

The Woman’s Press Club of Indiana Education Fund is the nonprofit arm of the Woman’s Press Club of Indiana, which was established in 1913 by women who sought representation in their newsrooms and organizations as well as at the Indiana State Legislature.

Today, WPCI is one of the oldest continuously operating journalism organizations in the state. It also is a founding affiliate of the National Federation of Press Women. Its diverse membership works in many areas of the new media landscape, from editing and writing to broadcast to public relations and marketing. Learn more at