Nature-based climate solutions


Guest Columnist

Future generations of Hoosiers are counting on leaders at every level of government to address the problems that will impact their future before they become unsolvable.

In Indianapolis and Washington, D.C., elected officials need to step up their efforts to pass climate-friendly solutions that will help protect our environment and preserve our precious natural resources. Now is the time to scale well-proven nature-based solutions to sustainability challenges.

In that regard, it is encouraging Indiana has a leader like Senator Mike Braun working in Washington to advance thoughtful policies that will strengthen sustainability and protect our environment here at home and across the country. Last Congress, the Senator introduced his bipartisan Growing Climate Solutions Act and it is anticipated to be re-introduced this Congress, which would go a long way in reducing harmful carbon emissions while allowing Indiana farmers and foresters to be part of a larger solution to our world’s climate issues.

The idea behind the GCSA is to simply facilitate access for farmers who are interested in adopting sustainable agriculture techniques and participate in carbon credit markets to do so seamlessly. These carbon markets are already there today, but the process can be complex and overwhelming, creating barriers that prevent farmers from accessing the right information and resources to partake in sustainable operations.

What this would do is essentially open up new revenue streams that will help provide stability for farmers – something that is needed now more than ever, particularly after the last year of uncertainty due to the pandemic – while advancing sustainability goals nationwide. By encouraging and incentivizing climate-friendly farming and foresting techniques, we can help farmers reduce emissions, leading to cleaner air and water, and healthier, more vibrant communities for future generations.

As CEO of Helping NinjasI am proud of the work we have done to help cultivate and raise awareness about global issues among Indiana communities as well as empowering other children and families and institutions to become involved in working together to create a safe, healthy and sustainable future, where kindness and respect prevails – towards each other, oneself, and our planet.

Helping Ninjas is a movement to inspire, striving to “be the change” that we want to see is an underlying initiative. Passing smart, forward-thinking climate solutions is one way our elected officials can continue to help support our efforts on behalf of all Hoosiers.

I applaud Senator Braun for recognizing the need for these kinds of policies and for working across party lines to get the job done. Congress should pass this important legislation and help better position communities in Indiana and throughout the country to take their climate future into their own hands.

With efforts like these, Senator Braun and other elected leaders can move to enact more policies which will ensure our children inherit a clean and economically successful planet.

Helping Ninjas is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to educate and provide opportunities for youth to learn to be highly skilled at helping the world. Lindsey Berry is a graduate of the University of Kentucky, a mother of four and an advocate for children, health and wellness, and the environment. She and her family reside in Carmel and strive to live sustainably, practicing at home plant-based and clean eating, and many zero waste methodologies. Helping Ninjas, Inc. is a proud partner of Earth Charter Indiana and Carmel Green Initiative.