A nationwide cleanup drive dedicated to the Birth Centennial of Dr. Shri Nanasaheb Dharmadhikari was undertaken on July 9 and again on Oct. 15 by residents and volunteers of the non-profit organization Dr. Shri Nanasaheb Dharmadhikari Pratishthan (DSNDP) at the Hamilton County Auto Auction, located at 22221 State Road 37, Noblesville.
These events were organized by DSNDP in collaboration with Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT). The Adopt-A-Highway (AAH) program is part of a year-long Nationwide Cleanup Drive undertaken by DSNDP across 14 states and 16 cities in the United States.
The clean-up drive was held over a two-mile stretch of SR 37 from mile markers 179 to 180. INDOT’s AAH Program is a partnership between the INDOT and DSNDP volunteers, working together to make Noblesville better, two miles at a time. More than just a cleanup campaign, this innovative program works to educate citizens of all ages about the responsibilities of land stewardship – the care and repair of the environment. Ultimately, the AAH Program is about people caring enough to make a difference.

Photo provided by DSNDP
The Noblesville Adopt-A-Highway drive was held concurrently with Chicago, Ill., and the state of California and will be followed by other states. DSNDP has collaborated with 14 states and 16 cities for running these cleanup drives across the United States from July this year until October 2023.
The year-long ‘Adopt-A-Highway/park/beach/street/reservoir’ initiatives are driven by hundreds of DSNDP volunteers. To achieve concrete results by the implementation of these teachings, DSNDP committed to social services was founded in the name of Dr. Shri Nanasaheb Dharmadhikari by Dr. Shri Dattatreya Narayan Dharmadhikari Alias Appasaheb Dharmadhikari- a prominent, multiple / global award winner, global social reformer who transformed millions of lives throughout the world with his humanitarian teachings.
The non-profit DSNDP is driven by over a million volunteers worldwide, who strive to keep the legacy of Dr. Shri Nanasaheb Dharmadhikari alive by running massive blood-donation drives, cleanliness drives, tree plantation and conservation drives, conserving natural water reservoirs, assisting hearing-impaired children with free hearing-aids, free adult, and children’s literacy classes, etc. A mega health camp which was organized by DSNDP in India, entered the Guinness World Records as the largest health camp benefiting 152,000 people attended by 1,571 doctors and 5,000 paramedics in a single day.
For more information, please visit dsndp.com.
Recent Blood Donation Drives organized by DSNDP across the United States, India, Australia, UK, Canada, UAE, Oman, Qatar, Nigeria, and Singapore to name a few, stand as strong examples of the impact of mobilizing communities within neighborhoods and the world.