National Nurses Week: A heart to serve


Guest Column

In recognition of National Nurses Week (May 6-12), St. Vincent is proud to honor America’s 4 million registered nurses who serve patients with compassion and dedication. These men and women understand that the nursing profession is a calling and I’ve been lucky enough to see my colleagues in action as they go above and beyond for their patients every day.

Recently, a patient who underwent brain surgery at St. Vincent shared with one of his nurses that his beloved dog had disappeared from his backyard. The patient was even more worried because the 15-year-old dog is also blind, deaf and has no sense of smell. Fortunately for the patient, that same nurse volunteers at the Humane Society. One day after the patient’s surgery, the nurse heard about a family who found a dog matching the description of her patient’s dog. She was able to reach out to the family and her patient was quickly reunited with his pet.

There are thousands of other stories out there where nurses have made a difference in the lives of their patients, both in and outside of the hospital. They are true servant leaders and this is why we take the time to honor, support and celebrate all nurses during this special week.

As our nation’s baby boomers continue to age, there will be more people needing health care. Currently, the enrollment of nursing students has not been able to keep up with the growth of the need, so we are seeking individuals who have a heart to serve. As a nurse, you can encompass a variety of different roles that lead to a rewarding outcome. You are able to help people navigate through some of the most difficult (cancer diagnosis) or exciting (birth of a baby) times of their life.

There are lots of opportunities available in a variety of clinical areas. If you’re seeking a new career or just not sure if nursing is for you, consider educational and open house opportunities in your area to explore the nursing profession. Nursing offers a fulfillment in service to others, flexible scheduling and a gateway for career growth in a variety of settings – from a patient’s bedside to regional hospital system leadership.

We are blessed to have so many phenomenal caregivers in our community and I would like to personally thank all nurses for their service to others.

Cindy Adams, PhD, RN, ANP-BC, NEA-BC, is the System Chief Nursing Officer at St. Vincent.