It’s not at an altar. It’s not even in a church. But the place is sacred. It is at my kitchen table.
Just a few days ago, I sat there holding my coffee cup. The coffee tasted a bit sweeter that morning. I opened my Bible to the Psalms. The scriptures I read there always seem to be a balm to my soul whenever it is weary.
That day, my soul was oh-so-weary. It had been a hard week. Some chapters of my life are challenging. That doesn’t change as I get older. I have more people to pray for. I have more people to worry about. Life will always have its complications.
I prayed my morning prayer.
Please, Lord, surround my family with a ring of protection. Keep the enemy away from their hearts. He seeks to destroy their hopes and dreams. He tries his best to confuse them whenever they have decisions to make. Let them feel your presence as they make their way through the day. Let them see your goodness today.
I’ve prayed that prayer so many times.
As I read the 16th Psalm, my heart felt hugged. Tears found their way down my cheeks.
I’ve set the Lord always before me. Because he is at my right hand, I will not be shaken. Psalm 16:16
Not be shaken.

Photo provided by Janet Hart Leonard
There have been moments when life’s circumstances shook me to my core. I still remember the details of those moments. The hurt still lingers.
Each time my world was shaken, I found myself sitting at my kitchen table, reading my Bible and praying … words of lament. As my heart cried out to God to help me have the strength to face whatever tomorrow would bring, I drew closer to God.
I felt His presence that morning.
When I read the words, I will not be shaken, I didn’t think about being physically shaken. I thought about my faith not being shaken.
Life is hard. Then, it gets harder. Life is unfair at times.
Yet … I love the word, yet. God is in the midst of the hard times. He is the God of Redemption. He brings beauty from ashes.
I’ve seen the hand of God working in my life so many times. My Bible tells me, not just in scripture, but in the margins where I have written dates and what was going on in my life.
You see, I have a history with God. He continues to write my story. Even the hard parts will find redemption. They always have … eventually. Maybe not the way I planned or prayed for them to be, but redemption was found.
And as my favorite Christian writer, Lysa TerKeurst, says, “Your story will not be wasted.”
I will not be shaken in my faith. My story will not be wasted.
I will continue to sit at my kitchen table, where I read my Bible and tell God of my hurt and worries. I picture Him sitting across from me as I pray my messy prayers. He sits with me in my messiness.
I have a good view from my kitchen table. My heart sees things differently there.
That table is my altar, and my kitchen is my sacred place … God will always meet me there.
Janet Hart Leonard can be contacted at or followed on Facebook or Instagram (@janethartleonard). Visit