My first chat with my birth father

Perfectly Imperfect

As my adoption and reunion story continues, I’ve changed some names, places, and dates.

I thought I could wait a couple of weeks after speaking with my birth mother before I wrote to Jack, my birth father. But one thought nagged at me. If he and his family were from Indianapolis, maybe he still had relatives nearby that he would be visiting in the summer. What if I waited too long, and he would be just 30 minutes away from me and I wouldn’t be able to meet him? I knew all this was a long shot, but I didn’t want to miss out on that possibility.

I crafted a letter like the one that I sent Linda and put it in the mail. My gut said I wouldn’t have to wait as long for a response – if I did get one – since Memphis is somewhat closer to Indianapolis. And it was correct. In five days, I received a brief email from Jack.

Dear Amy,

I am so pleased to get your letter. It is wonderful to hear from you. I am doing a lot of teaching in the evenings but will look over my schedule and let you know of some possible times for a phone call soon.

Looking forward to it, Jack

Chills traveled up and down my spine. I felt like I had truly hit the jackpot. Both of my birthparents were happy to hear from me. Both were willing to speak to me.

“I just want to pinch myself,” I said to my husband, John.

And on yet another Wednesday evening just a couple of weeks later, I had the chance to talk to my birth father. This time it was on my cell phone while waiting to pick up the boys from youth group. Jack called me at 7:30. His voice was deep, strong, and steady. My hand flew to my face in amazement upon hearing it.

“How are you, Amy?” He asked.

“Oh … I’m good, excited, and nervous!” I replied. He laughed easily.

“Well, I think I am too.” Jack said. I gazed at the sunset over the football field near our church as we spoke, knowing that I would never forget this moment in my life.

“So, tell me how you found me,” he said. I explained the various steps I had taken. Jack also had not heard about the State of Ohio opening its records.

“I did the state registry years ago, but nothing ever came of it.” Jack replied. Wow, I thought, he had been looking for me!

“I did the same thing, but in the state of Indiana,” I said. “I’m afraid I got a little mixed up. I’ve heard since then that registries don’t often bring people together.”

“I called a couple of other places and also got a brochure for a nonprofit that helps to reunite people from Ohio,” he said. “But I didn’t get very far. I figured after I retired, I would take a trip to Columbus and try to get some answers in person.”

John and I had wondered if one or both of my birthparents had ever looked for me. Now I had an answer. Sooner or later, I would’ve at least met my birth father.