Music does wonders for the elderly


I’m a happy gal today. I got to see my mother last Tuesday during one of her facility’s new “sunshine visits”! This took place outside in a tent with both of us wearing a mask and keeping six feet apart. But after waiting almost four months to see her, it was a wonderful occasion for us both.

However, I left with a heavy heart. I could see during our visit that this lockdown has taken a toll on Mom. I imagine millions of other elderly people are having the same experience. The light was definitely missing in her eyes.

Fortunately, her facility is offering these visits once a week and I’ve already booked the next one. If you’ve got a loved one in a similar facility/situation, I encourage you to visit in whatever way you can. It lifts an elderly person’s spirits greatly.

But I want to do more for Mom next time than just sit and chat with her. I want to bring that light back into her eyes.

God planted a thought in my head later that evening. Mom LOVES music. My whole family – mother, father, brother and sister – and I adore(d) it. We all can play at least one instrument and we all enjoy singing.

Before the pandemic, Mom would never miss a music program in the activity room. She was a member of the Christmas choir as well. So, I thought I’d bring music back to her.

At first, I imagined we could sing together, but that’s a big no-no right now due to the droplets that can be spread even while wearing masks (darn it, COVID). Then I remembered my son’s portable keyboard.

I love playing the piano, but like many busy working adults, I haven’t had the time to play it often. My husband John has encouraged me to get back to it for years. Now I need to MAKE time for it!

I’ll be digging out my old jazz books this weekend and doing some practicing. I’m also going to work with Jacob to see when he can come perform for his grandma, since two of us are allowed and he is an even better pianist than me.

Numerous studies have shown the benefits of music for the elderly. It often helps Alzheimer’s patients on many levels. While Mom thankfully doesn’t suffer from the disease, she has her own struggles, especially now. I know music will be the key to unlock the spark within her.

My heart is lighter now thanks to my new plan! I hope you can take music to those you love right now and see how it lifts them up. I’ll keep you all posted on our results.