Mosquito tests positive for West Nile in Noblesville

The Hamilton County Health Department Vector Control Program has received confirmation notice from the Indiana State Department of Health (ISDH) that the first mosquito sample of the season has tested positive for West Nile Virus (WNV).

The sample was collected from a trap site located in the near Greenfield Avenue and Summer Road in Noblesville. The detection of WNV activity is evidence that the disease is present in Hamilton County and the public should take proper precautions to stay protected.

For optimum protection the Health Department recommends individuals:

  1. Wear long sleeves, pants, socks, and shoes when outdoors.
  2. Apply EPA approved insect repellent containing DEET, Picaridin, or Oil of Lemon Eucalyptus to any exposed skin.
  3. Keep mosquitoes outside by keeping doors and windows closed or making sure screens are in good repair.
  4. Avoid outdoor activities at dusk and dawn, when the mosquitoes that transmit WNV are most active.

In addition, all Hamilton County residents are asked to do the following in order to eliminate mosquito breeding sites around their home:

  1. Remove all unneeded containers that hold water (tires, cans, bottles, buckets, jars, drums, and other trash/rubbish).
  2. Dump and invert wheel barrows and kiddie/toddler pools when not in use.
  3. Change water in birdbaths and pet bowls weekly.
  4. Inspect water in flower pots and plant containers weekly.
  5. Clean rain gutters.
  6. Drain and fill tire ruts, stagnant pools, and puddles.
  7. Place tight covers over cisterns, cesspools, septic tanks, tubs, and rain barrels where water is stored.
  8. Keep the margins of ponds clear of vegetation and stock ornamental ponds with top – feeding minnows.

In response to finding WNV, the Hamilton County Health Department will increase surveillance and control activities in the sample positive area. Adult mosquito fogging will be conducted to rapidly decrease the number of adult mosquitoes in the sample positive area.

For current information about Hamilton County surveillance and control activities, please visit This site will be updated with positive WNV mosquito reports and spray schedules. Use the “Notify Me” link to receive future updates.

State of Indiana WNV and St. Louis Encephalitis surveillance data can be found at