Morris questions coverage of donation of coronavirus test kits to New York City

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Dear Editor:

We learned this week from Facebook posts by Zak Khan and Carmel City Councilor Bruce Kimball that Khan’s firm donated the 50,000 kits to New York City, not Mayor Brainard personally or even the City of Carmel government, which contradicts this headline from the City of Carmel’s press release: “Mayor & Apex send Test-Kits to NYC”.

I also discovered that the newly-formed entity, Apex Medical, has the same address south of 96th Street as Aria, squarely putting it in Indianapolis. Yet, Mayor Brainard keeps soaking up the positive news from this charitable act of a private individual, who happens to have both contributed to the Mayor’s campaign and has not been so diligent or timely in paying his City of Carmel property taxes.

Then the City of Carmel Facebook posted the linked story with this caption: “Good story here …”.

It again claims that Jim or the City was the charitable actor. My biggest concern reading this article, though, is Brainard justifying the tests of city employees because many city employees are canceling elective surgeries, allowing the city to handle the costs.

Does Mayor Brainard really believe the costs of these elective surgeries will never be incurred?  Is the shoulder injury or bad knee going to magically heal itself? It’s not as if the elective surgeries covered under the insurance plan are facelifts or breast augmentations.


Eric Morris


1 Comment on "Morris questions coverage of donation of coronavirus test kits to New York City"

  1. The City Facebook page has also gone beyond the pale pumping out posts to applaud restaurant-owning councilors as heroes buy taking their meals to the hospital. They are making money!! There is no heroism in that. The amount of “look at how great we are” posts on their facebook, in Current and other places is sickening. Kahn makes sure to pump money into Brainard’s campaign coffers as well as his chosen puppets, so it’s clearly quid pro quo for Brainard to pump PR and money into Kahn’s business via these PR stunts.

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