Morris on being a good Republican and neighbor

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Dear Editor:

The local “low tax” cabal that runs this county politically provides a never-ending source of hypocrisy and humor.

First, Ken Alexander openly supports “Independent” Kate Healey Snedeker in Westfield, in violation of GOP Rule 1-25.

I’m sure Laura Campbell will do nothing.

However, she hired the thankfully soon-to-be gone Susan Brooks’ husband David to represent the local GOP for Brainard’s bribes before the Election Board. Then David Brooks turns up reppin’ “Independent” Kate at the Election Board regarding Mike Johns’ concerns.

At least when the low-tax Republicans pass the Income Tax increase for “safety,” Carmel can successfully steal more of the kitty from the other cities – based on what Fishers considers an “unfair” formula because of Carmel’s high debt load – to create a supposedly government-engineered Fantasyland. That’s the neighborly thing to do.

Someone should call 911.


Eric Morris

Home Place

1 Comment on "Morris on being a good Republican and neighbor"

  1. More hilarity. Laura publicly reprimands her candidate Mike Johns, yet dares not mention that Ken is in the wrong. I wasn’t suggesting she can remove him from office (or keep him off next ballot), but she could have done exactly as she did with Mike and said in the same letter “I am disappointed Ken decided to do so.” She could have also stated that if he didn’t apologize the Party would recommend that he be challenged by someone in the next primary. But he’s a high spending Republican that makes sure Chairman’s Club members keep getting plenty of gubmint contracts. She could have also told David Brooks “you’re fired” from ever being our lawyer again.

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