More school candidates need to step forward

The County Line

School boards are among the most important bodies in local government, spending more money than most other public entities and overseeing more employees than most other governmental units or private businesses in our county.

School boards can find themselves in tough situations, perhaps never more than now. The national pandemic, school security, increasing enrollments and financial needs all present challenges.

But this is the time for good, qualified folks to step up and seek election to their local school board. Filing in the non-partisan election continues next week, but ends at noon Friday.

To date, only one candidate has filed for the Noblesville board where three seats are up for election. No candidate has yet filed at Sheridan where two seats are up.

However, Hamilton Southeastern has candidates for all three seats to be filled this year. Four have filed in Fall Creek, two in Delaware, but only one in Wayne. One will be elected in each township.

Carmel Clay, where two at-large seats are at stake, has only one person filed. Likewise in Westfield Washington, only one has thus far declared.

Hamilton Heights does have a contest for its White River Township seat, and only one candidate in Jackson Township.

Overall, it does not look like a very competitive election for the 14 board seats in play this year. This is unfortunate in a time where more interest and involvement are needed to keep our schools top notch.