Moms for Liberty starts Hamilton County chapter

The founding members of the Moms for Liberty – Hamilton County Chapter. (Photo provided)

Organization will work to promote liberty at all levels of government


The Grassroots organization Moms for Liberty has announced a new local chapter in Hamilton County as the latest addition to its expanding list of chapters and members. Now established in 33 states, Moms for Liberty has organized 165 local chapters since its inception in January 2021.

According to organizers, parents have felt increasingly frustrated and concerned by the actions of their local government and school districts. Moms for Liberty aims to help these concerned parents and community members to organize and amplify their voices to achieve their goals and results. Parents, grandparents, educators, and community members are joining the organization to exercise their rights to defend their liberty.

“Over the last year, parents in Hamilton County and across Indiana have become increasingly aware of concerning curriculum and materials in the classroom,” said Paige Miller, retired teacher and Moms for Liberty – Hamilton County Chair. “Parents are frustrated with what they are seeing in classrooms. Our organization is here to help. We will empower and educate the community through chapter events, communication, and educational materials. We provide resources and support so that parents can use this knowledge to advocate for their children.”

Mom for Liberty says parents are demanding a seat at the table as they defend their parental rights at all levels of government. Moms for Liberty says it will engage elected officials on key issues that affect the everyday lives of families. The organization works to empower parents. They are committed to holding elected leaders accountable while also focusing on preserving crucial, founding principles of our nation: limited government, personal responsibility, and individual liberty.

The mission of Moms for Liberty – Hamilton County is to unify, educate, and empower parents to defend their parental rights. The group will hold its first chapter meeting at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, Feb. 23 in a location central to the Carmel area. For registration information, please email

10 Comments on "Moms for Liberty starts Hamilton County chapter"

  1. Moms For Liberty is a conservative group claiming “parental rights” for furthering it’s far-right agenda.

  2. Nice Confederate Flag!! ? Isn’t this a National organization out of Florida? So now we want out of state meddling into our schools?

  3. Ames Peudman | February 6, 2022 at 4:45 pm |

    I was fascinated by that flag in the background so I looked it up.
    Do you realize it is from a video game series called Fallout about people stuck in a kind of 1950s life in bomb shelters after an apocalypse?
    Did you pick that flag on purpose?
    Is this are a real group or is this whole thing satire that is just too subtle for me to understand?

  4. Such a diverse looking group. Coming soon, screaming at a school board near you..

  5. .. concerning curriculum and materials in the classroom.

    Carry on ladies & feel encouraged in the knowledge that Ward & June Cleaver as well as the John Birch Society share your concerns.

  6. Would you publish a photo of people standing in front of the more well known Confederate Flag? Because this is Stars and Bars, another Confederate Flag. Also, how is this organization “grassroots”?

  7. I am not a mom but I support you nationwide!

  8. Nice Hitler quote. You only apologized because you were called out.

  9. Bill Cooper | June 25, 2023 at 12:38 am |

    (Shaking head) They are very real
    And a hate group. Quoting Hitler is just the latest. “He who owns the youth, gains the future” And then they ban the books

  10. Tom Sandusky | July 10, 2023 at 8:38 pm |

    More people support you than you realize

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