Mitch Dwigans wins Sheridan Horseshoe inter-league tournament

Don Dwigans watching Chuck Sutton check to if the horseshoe is a ringer during play at the Sheridan Horseshoe League’s inter-league tournament. (Photo provided)

Members of the Sheridan Horseshoe League gathered at Biddle Memorial Park this week to hold their last event of the season.
Bryan Wilbur started off the evening by taking the lead in the annual inter-league tournament with a handicapped score of 134. Mike Milcoff and Mitch Dwigans trailed by four and eight points respectfully.
After the second of the three-game event, Milcoff took the lead with 257. Dwigans stayed in range with 254, Phil Kercheval moved from ninth into third place by tossing his best personal actual game. Wilbur dropped to fourth, 11 points down.
Dwigans continued to toss hot shoes to capture the tournament. Kercheval moved up another spot into second. Sam Gibbons started out the evening with a bad game but made up for it in the last two to take third.

Trophy Winner  Actual Ringers Handicap Score
Mitch Dwigans  203      47           377
Phil Kercheval   145       19           373
Sam Gibbons     164       23           368

Don Dwigans watching Chuck Sutton check to if the horseshoe is a ringer during play at the Sheridan Horseshoe League’s inter-league tournament. (Photo provided)