Miller gymnasts host three-team meet

Noblesville freshmen Kiley Reisner had a “beam stick” on the balance beam during the Millers’ Monday meet. (Kent Graham)

The Noblesville gymnastics team hosted a three-team meet on Monday.
The Millers finished third with a score of 82.825 points. Bloomington South won the meet with 90.775, while Edgewood was second with 87.05. Noblesville’s Olivia Mangin placed fourth in the all-around with a score of 29.625 (a point higher than her last competition), she also had the highest event score and place by taking third in vault with 8.60.
“Olivia has been competing the same vault for a few years now, and it is certainly a vault that she does well, and it is a solid score for us that we can count on,” said Noblesville coach Jody Ramey.
Mangin also finished fourth in the balance beam and sixth in the uneven bars. Cailey Hurst took sixth in the floor exercise. Other highlights included freshman Kiley Reisner making a “beam stick” in her routine and senior Rachel Glasener competing in the uneven bars with a new skill.
While Ramey said the team had “lots of work to do to improve with our missed connections,” there were still positives to take from the meet – “we did improve in certain areas from last competition and I was proud of the small victories,” she said.
Noblesville is scheduled to compete at the Northwestern Invitational on Saturday.

Team scores: Bloomington South 90.775, Edgewood 87.05, Noblesville 82.825, Lapel 35.80.
All-around scores: 4. Olivia Mangin 29.625.
Vault: 3. Mangin 8.60, Kiley Reisner 7.95, Cailey Hurst 7.85, Kayleigh Sahr 7.45, Ella Deno 7.15, Rachel Glasener 6.80.
Uneven bars: 6. Mangin 6.90, Sahr 6.375, Glasener 5.10.
Balance beam: 4. Mangin 7.475, Reisner 6.375, Deno 5.30.
Floor exercise: 6. Hurst 7.10, Reisner 6.90, Sahr 6.90, Mangin 6.65, Deno 6.20.

Noblesville freshmen Kiley Reisner had a “beam stick” on the balance beam during the Millers’ Monday meet. (Kent Graham)