Miller Ambassador graduates grateful for engaging, inspiring experience

Dear Editor:

The 2018 Miller Ambassador class would like to express our sincere thanks to Noblesville Schools’ administration, staff and students. We experienced a year of engaging, inspiring and empowered learning and immersion into a broader understanding of Noblesville Schools.

We join the 2017 class as ambassadors and are prepared to speak about the tremendous work done by Noblesville Schools to develop, care for and educate students and staff.

Leading Noblesville Schools is no small feat. We had known it was a massive job before we started our dive into understanding exactly what that entails for our school administration. It became very apparent as month by month we learned more about the different elements of organizational delegation, capacity and capabilities required of Noblesville’s largest employer.

It all starts at the top, so we applaud School Superintendent Beth Niedermeyer for her leadership style and follow through. She is approachable, chooses quality staff, empowers them, challenges them and best of all truly cares about their development and welfare.

Every staff member we interacted with had commitment and passion. They embodied the vision set forth by the schools that empowers them to adapt, innovate and succeed every day. The strategic instructional model for teaching and learning consists of dynamic and compelling curriculum, purposeful assessment and reflection, meaningful learning experiences and a learning-centered culture. It’s no wonder our school system is studied by other high performing school districts.

But let us tell you about the kids! WOW! The phrase constantly heard from ambassador classmates was, ‘I sure didn’t have this level of opportunity when I was a kid!’ We had numerous occasions to interact with students each month. We tasted their culinary treats and were entertained by their award-winning musical and performance groups. We were educated by innovative and creative entrepreneurial students in classrooms and makerspaces. We met and listened to state honored interns and inventors. We were served food and coffee from special education business students. And because it is their business, we purchased the food and coffee in support of their endeavor. The student workout rooms are dynamic, motivating and fun. We learned that each school provided inviting culture and advanced methods of interaction. We even met one school’s dog. He sometimes walks the halls with his owner giving students the stress-free enjoyment of petting a loving dog as it is passing them in the hall.

Additional behind the scene activities and successes that everyone in our community should know about include the food and transportation services provided to students. It is an unbelievably large task to strategize, process and deliver these services. The staff works extremely hard to meet all individual student needs. The bus transportation network at our large school system is demanding, yet they continue to be safe as demonstrated by 31 years of a 100 percent bus safety record.

We don’t have space in this letter to tell you everything we have learned and experienced this past year. However, if you see any of us out and about don’t hesitate to ask us more about our experience. We would love sharing it with you.

Go Millers!

2018 Miller Ambassador Class

Becky Terry, Boys and Girls Club

Monica Peck, Community Leader

Brandy Hill, Riverview Health

David Heighway, HEPL, County Historian

Chris Beaver, Miller Backers, Sagamore Ready Mix

Judi Johnson, City of Noblesville Economic Development

Chris Owens, White River Church

Brad Howell, HEPL, School Board

Adriann Young, Education Foundation

Greg O’Connor, Noblesville City Council, BMO/Harris Bank

Kathy Richardson, State Representative

Mark LaBarr, Duke Energy

Joe Forgey, Community Leader

Jennifer Bratcher, Ivy Tech

Steven Kile, IU Health

Robert Bocko, NHS parent

Cheryl Troxel, East MS parent

Sarah Manro, West MS parent

Misti Ray, Hazel Dell ES parent

Seth Rawlings, Hinkle Creek ES parent

Kami Propst, Stony Creek ES parent

Jenise Donnelly, Promise Road ES parent

Carli Stewart, North ES parent

Katie Guerra, Noble Crossing ES parent