Milam campaign questions Altman’s motives in sign issue

Dear Editor:

The Matt Milam for Commissioner campaign questions Attorney Altman’s violation of a 2015 Supreme Court ruling. How was she unaware of one of the most important Supreme Court cases of 2015? One of the very few decided unanimously? Reed v. Town of Gilbert, Ariz.

Milam is running against Altman in the Republican primary for the First District Commissioner seat.

Christine Altman’s decision to enact an illegal ordinance in her role as County Commissioner is truly stunning. The ordinance was quickly recognized by nearly all citizens with a casual knowledge of law to be a contradiction to the constitutionally protected right to free speech.

  • Altman stated on Feb. 13, 2018, in the IndyStar: “Candidates can put their signs on private property, with permission from the owners.”
  • County Councilman Rick McKinney stated in the same article that: “The commissioners have all of the money, and they don’t need signs,” he said. “They can pay for billboards. They can pay for TV. They can do mailers.”
  • The same article noted that: “At the start of 2018 Commissioner Altman had in excess of $158,000 in her campaign war chest.”
  • We believe there was ill-intent to interfere with the fair and ethical election process in the ordinance. The Commissioners, who were fully aware, knew their competitors had already committed substantial percentages of their campaign funds to signage and they would thus be less able to compete.
  • It really comes down to one fundamental question: Were Commissioner Altman’s actions the result of incompetence or maliciousness?

Matt is running to prevent a Mass Transit Income Tax, to eliminate the current conflicts of interest in the Commissioner’s Office, improve transparency, and better collaborate and coordinate with the county councilors and the citizens of Hamilton County.

Matt has a career in the logistics industry where his responsibilities include managing a team responsible for the marketing, pricing, facilitation of transit while maintaining customer communication and satisfaction throughout the process on international and domestic shipments.

Matt’s commitment to the service of others was demonstrated in his 14-year voluntary fight to keep Home Place from being annexed by the City of Carmel, saving millions of dollars for Hamilton County taxpayers. Matt’s actions led to a change in Indiana State Law regarding annexation. Matt serves others first, not himself. He is the conflict-free candidate.

Matt has been Precinct Committeeman since 2008.

He is a past member of the Carmel Clay Fire Board. He attends East 91st Street Christian Church and has been Committee Chair for Boy Scout Troop 733 since 2012.

Matt has been married 25 years and had two children in Carmel Clay schools.

Please direct inquiries to Matt Milam at 317-975-0281. Visit the campaign at

Rick Smith
