The Sheridan Horseshoe League held its first open tournament of the season this past weekend.
Several pitchers from central Indiana showed up at the courts in Biddle’s Memorial Park. The league ran two sessions in order to accommodate all pitchers. Jeff Ogle of Noblesville had a commanding lead of 15 points after game one. After the second game Jeff expanded his lead to 19 points.
Michael Milcoff of Noblesville, who had been trailing Jeff after the first two games, cut the lead to 10 points. The fourth game had Michael taking the lead by one point. The fifth and final game was exciting as the two leaders battled back and forth before Michael pulled out the win late in the game.
Sheridan’s next tournament will be sponsored by O’Reilly Auto Parts and will be open to the public. The event will take place on Saturday, July 7.
Here are the top three finishers; all were from Noblesville:
Total Total Handicap
Actual Ringers Score
1st Michael Milcoff 193 26 573
2nd Jeff Ogle 256 50 566
3rd Kyle Wethington 233 33 563

Noblesville’s Mike Milcoff (shown pitching) won the Sheridan Horseshoe League’s first open tournament of the season. Pictured at left is Genia Emry watching her competition. (Photo provided)