Noblesville East Middle School seventh grader Megan Broviak received the Indiana Young Heroes Award from the Indiana Student Council Association at its recognition event Thursday. Megan was nominated by Student Council Advisor Kristen Leer for her inspirational academic and social leadership while undergoing treatment for leukemia.

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For the second time in her life, Megan is undergoing treatments for leukemia. During the last three months, when Megan has not been admitted to Riley Hospital, she has been attending classes at Noblesville East. Her teachers have noted that Megan has been a leader in her classes this entire year. Megan has kept up on her school work while she has been undergoing treatments at home and in the hospital.
When she is at school, Megan volunteers in her classes and completes all of her assignments. Megan continues to be on the Academic Honor Roll. She is phenomenal role model to all of her peers.
Megan is involved with numerous activities. She is a member of the Student Council, she was part of our school play, a member of Jazz Band, and she plays basketball and lacrosse.
“What inspires me most about Megan is the smile she has on her face every single day,” said Leer. “Megan is in a battle that no child should have to be in. She continues to thrive during this obstacle and has never given up hope. Megan has chosen the heroic way to live her life to its fullest and not let cancer slow her down. Megan is an inspiration to her teachers, classmates and the Noblesville community.”