Meet Your Neighbor: The Fishers Fire Department Education Team

Ashley Heckly and John Mehling head the Fishers Fire Department’s Community Risk Reduction team to help education the public on fire safety. (Photo provided by City of Fishers)


City of Fishers

Have you ever wondered when you should replace your smoke alarm? Or if you are properly wearing a helmet for sports and activities?

John Mehling and Ashley Heckly are the dynamic duo at the Fishers Fire Department (FFD) who have the answers to all your safety questions.

Mehling has been with FFD for over 30 years, starting as a volunteer and later becoming a career firefighter. He has held many different ranks throughout his time with FFD and is committed to enhancing the program to new heights.

Heckly is a recent addition to FFD, having joined the Education Team at the beginning of last summer. She was previously a science teacher for 14 years, most recently at Hamilton Southeastern High School, and decided to join FFD to pursue her professional interests in community risk education.

Together, they head the FFD Community Risk Reduction team which conducts a variety of robust programs for preschool through high school students and adult groups. Lessons range from fire safety in school and at home, aiding elders, safe driving, and even how to stay safe when leaving for college. As summer approaches, the team raises awareness of water safety by presenting programs at local neighborhood pools and year-round educating others on smoke alarm maintenance and replacement. The main takeaway from these lessons is always prevention, as Mehling stated: “Anytime we can provide help, knowledge, and prevention, then everyone wins.”

Safety and risk reduction education programs are crucial to the public, as it prevents damage and harm to residents and responding firefighters. Additionally, safety knowledge deters financial losses and medical emergencies.

Photo provided by City of Fishers

Mehling commented on how important it is for the whole community to engage in risk reduction programming, not just students. “Safety issues come up because people don’t always acknowledge that bad things can happen to them.” Heckly agreed, saying, “Taking safety steps seriously is good for the entire community.”

There are many ways to stay safe in home and at work. Heckly and Mehling provided their top five safety tips we all can follow:

  1. Replace your entire smoke alarm every 10 years as well as your carbon monoxide detectors. FFD can help!
  2. Never leave your food cooking without someone being there to watch it.
  3. Sleep with your door closed. It can give you another 15 minutes of protection.
  4. Don’t let kids play on, in or near retention ponds.
  5. Teaching your kids that wearing helmets is a lifelong gift.

If your organization is interested in a discussion about public safety, you can contact the FFD Education team at to arrange a presentation.

Remember to stay safe, be aware, and replace your smoke alarms if they are over 10 years old.