Editor’s note: Last week, Westfield Mayor Andy Cook released the following statement regarding City Councilor Troy Patton’s comments during a City Council debate about the Grand Junction Plaza project.

For more than a decade, I’ve served this great city. During this time, no elected councilor has talked as unintelligently and disrespectfully about our city staff.
Troy Patton, who has largely never been involved in anything of benefit to this community, posted on social media and reiterated in a public meeting as we discussed the Grand Junction Plaza project, “We have a group that clearly can not (sic) build anything under budget or run their own house, let alone spend your hard-earned dollars to your benefit.” He also described the project, in no uncertain terms, as a disaster and that “…we’ve soiled our pants and now everybody has to smell it.”
Patton’s comments are unbecoming and unprofessional coming from an elected official – and flat out false. More importantly, these attacks on our staff, whose sole goal is to serve Westfield residents, are hurtful. It is unfortunate our citizens are being represented in such a manner.
The Grand Junction Plaza is a transformative project deserving of debate and scrutiny. Many citizens volunteered countless hours to envision this project. When construction pricing bids were returned, I, along with many others, were disappointed to know – if built to exact specifications – it would be considered over budget. However, a team including construction experts, my staff and me made decisions to continue with the resources allocated.
We will deliver Grand Junction Plaza. The changes will not take away from the functionality, quality and spirit of this project. It will be remarkable and do exactly what it was supposed to do – be a place to bring people together, attract economic development AND build a sense of pride.
The display of ignorance from Patton during a recent City Council meeting is yet another example of his political grandstanding for his small group of supporters – people who’ve worked to stop Grand Park, Grand Junction, State Road 32 improvements and the Monon Tunnel under 161st Street. All of these have helped our city become the most desired and fastest-growing city in Indiana.
In elected service, politically motivated and personal attacks are expected. However, Patton crossed the line when he focused in on trained and experienced members of my staff. I will not sit by and allow this to happen. The 200+ individuals who work for the City of Westfield, from police officers, firefighters, IT professionals, road crews, building inspectors, Grand Park staff and everywhere in between, make up an amazing and dedicated team. Our team brings a wealth of professionalism, expertise and, most importantly, care to their work for our community.
Politics, policies and projects are always ripe for scrutiny, criticism and ridicule but the people are not! Patton’s political resume and commentary can no longer go unchecked.
He owes our community an apology.
The main question of this whole ordeal – How did we get to this point? WHY are your staff needing to cut things to “make it under budget.” When the project was initially requested and budgeted, it requested a set amount of dollars and received said amount of dollars to provide all these amenities… End of story. That is what was promised to the citizens and that is what we should have received. Now you come back and say items had to be removed within the proposed project because there is not enough money and still titling the project under budget is a farce. I can understand a mistake was made but OWN it. If it was provided in a previous year dollars than whomever requested the bond should have calculated into today’s dollars with an allowance. You can’t keep saving face and saying the project is perfect and under budget – when that simply is not the case. Cuts were made to make it “work” under the allotted amount of money. People want the truth, transparency and not an opaque vision. Just seems like we, the citizens of Westfield, were sold a sack of goods that turns out to be rotten.
Cook continues to misrepresent to the people the facts. I actually think the employees of Westfield do a good job. The ball was dropped on Grand Junction and once again trying to divert attention to something other than the problem at hand is typical of this Mayor.
Troy Patton
I would have to agree with Mr. Patton , our own homes are run on a balanced budget. And our community projects must be the same. We can no longer stand by and see the burden of over runs put on the home owners through property tax.
Patton’s comments were not necessary, however Mayor Cook needs to take responsibility. He never does. Quit avoiding accountability Mayor and deliver on your promises. Your legacy is getting more and more diminished.