Massillamany urges voters to retain three Indiana Supreme Court justices

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Dear Editor:

This November, three distinguished members of our Indiana Supreme Court – Chief Justice Loretta Rush and Associate Justices Mark Massa and Derek Molter – will stand for retention votes.

Unfortunately, outside liberal and progressive groups are attempting to interfere in our elections by launching a misguided campaign against retaining these justices. This politically motivated effort threatens to create gridlock in our criminal courts at the highest level and undermines the stability of our judicial system.

These justices have served our state with distinction since their appointments, embodying the principles of responsible, constitutionally focused leadership that we as Republicans hold dear. Their record speaks for itself:

Commitment to Constitutional Principles:

  • They have consistently demonstrated impeccable reputations for fairness and impartiality
  • They uphold the constitution and interpret the law as written
  • They maintain honesty and integrity in our justice system

Standing Strong for Law and Order:

  • Unwavering commitment to the rule of law
  • Impartial pursuit of justice
  • Ensuring equal justice under the law for all Hoosiers

Our Indiana Supreme Court is well-respected both within our state and across the nation for their well-reasoned decisions that are firmly grounded in the law. We cannot allow outside interests to destabilize this exemplary institution.

As your Hamilton County Republican Chairman, I strongly urge you to:

  1. Vote YES to retain Chief Justice Rush and Justices Massa and Molter.
  2. Share this message with your family, friends, and neighbors.
  3. Stand firm against outside interference in our state’s judicial system.

Thank you for your steadfast support of our Republican values and our judicial system.

Mario Massillamany
Hamilton County Republican Party Chairman

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