Massillamany remembers achievements of former County GOP Party Chair John Pearce

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Dear Hamilton County Community,

It is with heavy hearts that we mourn the passing of former Hamilton County Chairman, John Pearce, who left us on April 1. John’s contributions to our community are immeasurable, and his legacy will forever be remembered.

In 1978, John ran for GOP county chairman and won, uniting the diverse factions of our county. His ability to forge friendships across rural northern and southern suburban areas paved the way for a more harmonious political landscape, putting an end to the north vs. south discord that once plagued us. Even today, we continue to benefit from the unity he fostered.

As Hamilton County experienced unprecedented growth, John’s influence extended beyond politics. He gained favor with governors Otis Bowen and Robert Orr, and his recommendations played a pivotal role in judicial appointments. Judges such as Judith Proffitt, Jerry Barr, William Hughes, and the late Donald Foulke, all of whom John championed, have left an indelible mark on our legal system.

On behalf of Hamilton County, I extend my deepest condolences to John’s family and loved ones. May they find solace in knowing that his impact will be felt for generations to come.

Mario Massillamany
Hamilton County Republican Party Chair