Massillamany congratulates Braun, calls for party unity in general election

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Dear Hamilton County voters:

I am writing to extend my sincere congratulations to Mike Braun on his victory in the Indiana Republican governor primary, and to commend all the candidates who participated in this important primary election.

On Tuesday night, Indiana Republican primary voters faced tough decisions as they considered the many qualified candidates vying for their support. The dedication and commitment of each candidate and their supporters were evident throughout their respective campaigns, and I want to express my sincere appreciation for the tremendous work they put into these races.

To Mike Braun and all the other candidates that won, your leadership, vision, and dedication to serving the people of Indiana have not gone unnoticed. Your willingness to step forward and offer your ideas and solutions for our state’s future is a testament to your commitment to public service.

As we move forward, it is imperative that we come together as a party to support our Republican candidates in the November elections. By uniting behind our shared principles and values, we can work towards a stronger, more prosperous future for Hamilton County and all of Indiana.

Mario Massillamany
Hamilton County Republican Party Chairman