Mary Leigh’s garden

Do you ever see a house with such potential, but are distracted with the ugly bushes out front?

I never cease to be amazed when I get out and drive around and see some of the most beautiful homes, but they have completely missed the boat on the front landscaping. Your front landscaping and porch are the first impression people have of your home. They are the invitation to your home. I understand gardening and home decor is not going to be everyone’s thing, but a simple wreath on the front door makes a world of difference.

We bought our home in Fishers in the fall of 2021. At that point, we were just grateful to have gotten the home of our dreams. We were wanting to get our old house sold and settled before the holidays and winter. Getting through the inspection process of two homes, settled in a new one, and tying up all loose ends in our old home while both my husband and I were working full time, juggling two toddlers and two dogs was not a small undertaking, especially in the crazy real estate market.

One of the biggest things that we looked for when purchasing a home was a front porch. We really wanted an area where we could place rocking chairs and watch the kids play. We did not have that in our previous home, and it was very important to both my husband and me, who grew up with front porches, to have that additional space for our family.

That first summer we were still finalizing paint colors and getting ourselves fully unpacked. We had a growing list of things that we wanted to do to our new home, but none topped the list more than the ugly bushes that were in the front.

With my daughter growing more and more interested in gardening and wanting a space of her own to plant flowers, we thought what better space than the blank canvas of our front landscaping where once dated by removing the ugly bushes that monopolized the front of our house. It was the perfect location for Mary’s Garden.

Photo provided by Megan Rathz

Mary has had such a fun time selecting flowers for her garden and deciding where they would be planted. She has had the opportunity to see what it takes to tend to a garden and the fruits of her labor. She has really learned what it takes to maintain a garden and understands gardening is more than just selecting pretty flowers at the store, but about taking care of them and helping them thrive. She has also learned quickly how much the little bunnies have taken a liking to her garden and treat it like a salad bar. Fortunately, she is like me, and finds them so cute that it’s hard to be too mad at them.

Photo provided by Megan Rathz

I have always held a great desire to make sure my kids not only know nature but to also have an appreciation for it. There are so many learning opportunities for our children that nature affords us. Are we using them to educate our children and foster a love for nature?

Megan Rathz is a wife, mother, and teacher. She says everything she has ever learned in life came from her Master Gardener mother.

3 Comments on "Mary Leigh’s garden"

  1. I love involving children in the planning of a garden! I really enjoy your articles.

  2. That is just wonderful that you are teaching your children about nature and also how to take care of their garden. Those teaching moments are right at our fingertips. I commend you on being a parent who is so hands on!

  3. Bob Workman | August 3, 2023 at 10:14 am |

    I just removed bushes from my front yard too! Such an eyesore compared to what I was able to do with that space.

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