Mark Hall refutes many claims made in voter’s “libelous” letter

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Editor’s note: Click here to read the letter published in Saturday’s edition to which Mark Hall is responding.

Dear Editor:

Let’s begin with some education. Libel is a published false statement that is damaging to a person’s reputation – a written defamation. Just because it’s in a letter to the editor doesn’t excuse the person from personal liability.

Facts are amazing in that with just a little effort, which was clearly not done here, you can prove or disprove your claim.

Ms. Fisher wrote: “Most recently, he was voted off his neighborhood H.O.A. board position.”

FALSE – I am not now or have ever been a member of my H.O.A. Board. Never ran for it, have never served on it, and obviously was never voted off it. Had Ms. Fisher taken two minutes to ask anyone with knowledge it would be easily verified. She could have called the property management company Ardsley Management and verified. (LIBELOUS)

Ms. Fisher wrote: “Looking into his businesses, does he have over 20 registered active and defunct businesses and shell companies with several lawsuits attached to them?”

Facts again rule the day. I’ve started over 30 companies. I have also closed over 25 businesses. Ms. Fisher doesn’t explain what she means by “shell companies” so let’s give her some credit for coming up with a nefarious-sounding phrase here. All our active companies are listed and compliant as a quick search revealed. As for litigation, yes, we have had a few scrapes. Just like my detractors’ letter, accusations and allegations don’t prove anything. It is particularly interesting that my detractor failed to tell you that my companies were not found to be at fault. As for selling a business with debt, that happens frequently. People don’t purchase a business without due diligence, to write otherwise is just silly.  Again, and not ironically, she doesn’t provide any details, no specifics, just conjecture and the intended implication of something bad. Ms. Fisher, back your accusations up, be specific or don’t write it. (LIBELOUS)

It is accurate (she’s one for three so far) that I’ve run for office before. When a person like me sees firsthand the lack of oversight, the now 50 MILLION dollars in cost overruns approved by my opponent, I can’t stand by and let this happen without trying to do something good for my community. It is wrong and it has to change.

You missed this one, too. Our written agreement with Dr. Zipper required the removal of all signs on his property every two weeks. This was thoroughly investigated, proven accurate and correct and the story was squashed by local media except for Channel 13. You use the word “steal” – know your facts. (LIBELOUS)

I find it interesting that you’re self-described as a “new person” to Noblesville but amazingly declare that was obviously designed to help me get elected. How do you know this? If you have some proof other than what my opponent whispers in your ear, let’s sit down as reasonable people and discuss it. (LIBELOUS)

The facts again are on my side. We have been doing food charity work for 16 years. Get your facts straight. Feeding Team pantries now serve over 7,000 meals a month to hungry neighbors throughout Hamilton County. This effort involves dozens of companies, almost one hundred volunteers and hundreds of hours every month. Ms. Fisher, I humbly invite you to come serve with us feeding hungry families, look them in the eyes as they get a meal for their children that otherwise would go hungry and then try to tell me that this has anything to do with an election. Call me directly at (317) 832-1104 and I will personally take you on rounds to pick up food, stock, sort, clean and deliver food to hungry neighbors.

Here is where you get it right. Voters want actual demonstrated servants, conservative people who stand for serving others. We have zero paid employees in our charity and donate a percentage of all our businesses sales to feed hungry neighbors in Hamilton County.

Yes, that’s me.

If I’m elected, I will serve in that office with the same passion, drive, and servants’ heart as I have for SIXTEEN years in food charities, as when coaching hundreds of children, and as I have while serving on several charitable boards. My opponent’s service: 20 years of part-time elected government where he’s pocketed well over $1.2 million in pay, perks, and benefits. Any objective person will choose the non-paid servant over the paid, benefited, perk-receiving five-term government insider.

As for social media presence, since you opened that door, it’s not a coincidence that you have none in Noblesville. Often that is the sign of someone hiding who they are. Imagine that. I live my life in the service to others and don’t hide anything on social media. My opponent historically has posted his vacations with Commissioners and his golf outings with vendors on his social media. Amazingly, now that the light has shined on that behavior those posts have stopped.

His lack of actual scrutiny on spending is the real issue. I couldn’t care less that my opponent doesn’t post anymore about his Canadian fishing trips with vendors, the Mexican vacations with a commissioner or all the free golf he can stand.

What I care about is the rubber stamp of approval that now exists on the spending.

If he would have maintained decent oversight, take all the free trips you want. Just don’t try to convince me that you’re independent and that you really oversee spending while drinking margaritas with a commissioner, or while standing knee-deep in a Canadian stream catching fish with a vendor to the county.

Ms. Fisher, for some reason – and we all know what that reason is – you have an axe to grind when it comes to me. You must deal with your own conscience and your actual motivation for the hit piece. Your contribution is a badly veiled attempt at a libelous hit piece. That said, if you are a real person, I welcome your feedback, the discourse and especially healthy conversation. I’ll talk and work with anyone who wants to make our communities a better place to live, work and play.

As in most cases, showing Grace is the right course of action for me. Grace is my immediate response to you getting two items right out of all your accusations.

Given your inaccurate data, libelous false accusations, innuendo, and conjecture, I’m comfortable that you were put up to this. It’s a shame; you should have contacted me rather than sit behind the keyboard and hurl mud. Wow, they must really be scared.

I’d have happily spoken with you and answered all your questions. By the way, I am familiar with this newspaper’s policy on verifying submitted letters to the editor. They will have record of your contact information should you choose to continue your attempts to malign my character.

Ms. Fisher, lastly, thank you for the opportunity to correct the record. As always, I welcome constructive comments and feedback, but know that I will not stand idly by and let you impugn my character, attack my family, or attack my businesses and charity reputation.

Mark F Hall

Candidate for Hamilton County Council

(317) 832-1104

1 Comment on "Mark Hall refutes many claims made in voter’s “libelous” letter"

  1. Mr Hall is a good man who does everything he can to help out his neighbors. His opponent, whom I’ve known for 30 years, doesn’t come close to matching that description. I would bet the farm that Ms Fisher doesn’t exist; it’s just another dirty political trick from the worm merchant.

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