Mary Sue Rowland
March brings a never-ending supply of downed tree limbs, winter collections of leaves in the yard and general yard waste. Unusually warm weather in February, was an opportunity to get some fresh air and work in the yard. But what to do with the organic left overs of mother nature? The city of Noblesville has the answer. Beginning in just a few days, the street department will be coming to your door to remove the gathered yard waste from your property. The Street Department does not rake your yard but they do pick up the result of your work.
Here is how it must be done and when:
Beginning March 13, 2017 and continuing through Oct. 13, 2017, brush will be picked up on the same day as trash collection, not the same time as trash collection but the same day. Pick up is made on the street side only, NO alleys. Do NOT put brush in the street but place it in the space between the street and the sidewalk. All brush must be stacked in small piles, no more than 4 feet in length and 18 inches in diameter. Limb size should be no more than 4 inches in diameter.
So you have a bigger pile of brush? Solution: Just call the Noblesville Street Department, 317-776-6348 to schedule a special large brush pick up. Now how is that for service? No reason to not beautify your property with a spring cleanup and set the brush between the curb and sidewalk for pick up on the same day as trash pickup. DO NOT PUT THE BRUSH IN THE ALLEY WAY, BRUSH IS PICKED UP AT THE STREET SIDE only.
What about the small stuff like leaves left over from fall?
In the spring, NO loose leaves will be picked up. All leaves must be bagged in green biodegradable bags, set next to the brush pick up site or placed in front of the house between the curb and sidewalk. Keep all yard waste away from storm drain sites to keep the drains open and flowing. If the storm drains become blocked flooding can occur. If you have a storm drain near your home, “adopt the drain” and take care of it by raking leaves and trash away from the storm drain site. It will mean positive water flow for your property and your neighbors.
So get your supplies ready now. Pick up the free green biodegradable bags from City Hall front desk or Planning Department, Street Department just 3 blocks west of the Post Office on Pleasant Street, Parks Department in Forest Park Inn, Hamilton Co. Hazardous Waste Station on Pleasant Street, or the Fire Station in your area. There is no charge and now you are ready to do your yard cleanup. You have all the information to be a good citizen and follow the helpful suggestions for city pick up of yard materials. That service is free also…well maybe not free but a service supported by your tax dollars. Get your tax dollars’ worth and take advantage of this great service. It also makes the community look clean and healthy and ready for those warm breezes to follow.
Note: Fall leaf pick up begins Sept. 18 and continues through Dec. 15. Use those left-over spring green biodegradable bags in the fall. Pick up is at the same location and day as in the spring. No limit to the number of bagged leaves. Loose leaves are messy and pick up does not begin until Oct. 9, 2017. It would be good to pick up a nice supply of green bags and bag it in the spring and the fall.
Add a few nice flowers and enjoy. The city is your partner is making your home an even more special place and you can be the great example for the neighborhood.
Questions? Call the Street Department 317-776-6348, Mayor’s Office 317-776-6324, Police Department (non-emergency) 317-776-6340. Hamilton Co. Household Hazardous Waste Center 317-776-4005, Green Cycle 317-773-3350, Creative Compost 317-776-2909. See you in the yard!