Dear Readers, I hope you enjoyed the Joy at Work and Lightening Your Mental Load series. Now it’s time to return to the world of empty nest adventures.
One common situation I’ve witnessed in this stage of life is the loss of parents and the gain of subsequent inheritances. These can include money, property, furniture, an automobile, and/or even something of the four-legged variety – a pet. We had already inherited my mom’s dog, Rex, back in 2018 when he got kicked out of her assisted living facility.
With the loss of my father-in-law, Ron, last April, we gained another furry family member – Ron’s 20-plus-old cat, Mama Kitty. We knew he wouldn’t have come down here from Manteno, Ill., to be cared for in our home without her.
During his last eight days on earth, Mama didn’t venture far from him, which wasn’t a huge surprise. Both Ron and Mama stayed in our front parlor, which served as a temporary hospital room. It’s now back to its regular use as my home office, where Mama’s kitty box and bed have remained.
When Ron passed away, my son Jonathon said, “I think Mama won’t be far behind him.” The poor thing had numerous health issues, including arthritis in her hips that causes her to waddle when she walks. Her fur was also heavily matted, as Ron struggled to keep up with her care in the last months of his life.
We couldn’t focus on her too much while we were helping Ron, although many of us worked to cut out the matted fur. Once Ron was gone, I asked an amazing former neighbor to come to our house and groom Mama Kitty. With newly trimmed claws, a bath, and most of the matting removed, it felt like she gave her a complete makeover!

Mama Kitty brings both joy and mischief to the Shankland household. (Photo provided by Amy Shankland)
It’s been three months now, and we can’t imagine life without “Mama K,” as I call her. I instantly fell in love with her sweet personality. She’s quite vocal, especially when it’s feeding time, and she loves to sit on our lap. Despite her arthritis, Mama enjoys exploring our backyard and seems to be content with life.
With her age, it wasn’t a surprise to find out through our veterinarian recently that she’s dealing with thyroid issues and the start of kidney failure. We know we probably don’t have much more time with her.
For me, taking good care of Mama Kitty and giving her lots of love feels like I’m honoring my father-in-law. I hope he’s smiling down from Heaven knowing she’s in a good home and being cuddled, petted, and fed (A LOT!).
If you’re an empty nester in a similar situation, I hope caring for your parent’s pet brings you the same comfort. We may only have a few more months left with our Mama Kitty, but the everyday joy she gives us in the meantime is so worth it.
Amy Shankland is a writer and fundraising professional living in Noblesville with her husband John, two sons, two dogs, and a cat. You can reach her via email at