The MIBOR REALTOR® Association REALTORS® Political Action Committee (MIBOR RPAC) has announced the endorsement of Sue Maki for Hamilton County Council.

“At MIBOR, we empower our members and strengthen the marketplace in central Indiana through collaboration, advocacy, professionalism, education and innovation,” MIBOR RPAC Chair Steve Thompson said. “In line with this, MIBOR RPAC supports candidates who best represent the values and interests of homeowners and the real estate market.”
Thompson continued, “Sue Maki has a proven record of civic involvement and engagement in Hamilton County. That experience, along with her priorities on public safety, infrastructure, strategic planning and quality of life make her an ideal candidate for County Council. We were impressed by her knowledge and understanding of the challenges and opportunities Hamilton County and our region face. We are confident her leadership will benefit Hamilton County in a positive way.”