#LoveHC website offers support, information for residents in need

Social service agencies have worked nonstop to support the youth, families and seniors of Hamilton County during the impact of COVID-19. A group of county officials want to build on that support, so they teamed up to launch #LoveHC, a website to help direct residents where to go to help their neighbors during this crisis.

The #LoveHC portal provides COVID-19 business resources, encourages donations to Good Samaritan Network and offers support of local businesses.

“There are many workers across the county – particularly in the service and hospitality industry – who cannot work right now, stock up on food and supplies or let alone feed their families,” said Hamilton County Tourism President and CEO Brenda Myers. “Due to this dire situation, officials quickly connected to see how we could come together and help.”

The partnership includes Hamilton County Tourism, the Hamilton County Board of Commissioners and the Good Samaritan Network, which assists agencies such as the Youth Assistance Program, Shepherd Center, Fueled for School, food pantries and other non-profits to provide needed support.

“This partnership with tourism allows us to focus on finding essentials that are in short supply everywhere,” said Good Samaritan Network Executive Director Nancy Chance. “They know how to get the word out – we know how to help people.”

The website launched Wednesday evening after the Hamilton County Commissioners gave live updates via Facebook on the COVID-19 situation.

“We are pleased to partner with our county tourism agency in helping Hamilton County residents understand how they can help each other,” said Commissioner Christine Altman, who serves as the representative to the county’s emergency management response plans. “While our first concern is the health and safety of our residents, the county recognizes that supportive services provided through our valued community partners are equally as important.”

Hamilton County Tourism traditionally markets to out-of-area visitors but will be shifting focus to the current needs of the local residents and community.

“This is critically important,” Myers said. “Never was there a time for us to come together and love Hamilton County.”

For more information, visit visithamiltoncounty.com/love-hc.