Publisher’s Perspective
This week, Noblesville resident Michael Saner provided the Reporter with information from a public access request. After reviewing this information, discussing it with my staff and talking to community leaders, I decided to publish comments and emails drafted by Noblesville Deputy Mayor Steve Cooke.
Prior to publishing I needed to have a difficult conversation with Steve and provide him an opportunity to respond.
I like Steve.
I don’t always agree with Steve, and I certainly do not agree with his approach to the Nickel Plate Trail/Rail Listening Session and comments he made about individuals; however, during my conversation with Steve it was evident he has a passion for Noblesville.
One of Steve’s emails, published by the Reporter, stated, “Only the old timers speak up against everything.” Although poorly worded, Steve is somewhat correct. Old Noblesville isn’t hesitant to speak its opinion. Rightfully so. “Old” can often be filled with wisdom and we should be thankful they speak up. We should listen and learn from their words.
Steve represents a younger generation of leaders in Noblesville. They see things through a young set of eyes, and because of that, they have a vision that some may not agree with.
The Rail/Trail is an important project. The decision could economically impact our community. The decision could potentially destroy a historic part of Noblesville.
Mayor Ditslear has now assigned Steve to other projects. A new leader, most likely a young leader, will soon step forward as the point person to guide Noblesville through the Nickel Plate Rail/Trail decision. It’s a great opportunity for old Noblesville wisdom to partner with young eyes to do what is best for Noblesville.
Although Mayor Fadness has had his way (in a meeting with zero notification to
the public) for now, I can assure you, he has not heard the end of this.
I have followed this discussion since early this year when the cities of Noblesville
and Fishers first announced their plans to pave the Nickel Plate railway. I am no
expert and have no “dog in this hunt,” but based on my research, feel compelled
to address many of the comments that have been raised on social media and
elsewhere. Where facts are requested, I will gladly direct anyone to the proper
source of my information. Some is, admittedly, my opinion.
1 – This corridor is ALREADY developed. With the exception of a few bars and
restaurants on or near 116th St, there is ZERO undeveloped property for nearly the
entire 9.2 miles north to PLEASANT STREET (not town square) in Noblesville.
Unless they can convince 9 car dealerships, several thriving business parks, a
concrete company, the Delaware Township Offices, a landfill, a county co-op and
countless neighborhoods to abdicate their properties, there will be no Scotty’s,
Bazbeaux Pizza or Performing Arts Center along this pathway.
2 – Although Fishers appears to be ready, financially, to pull the trigger on this
project, Noblesville is absolutely not. It will be years before they are ready to
develop their portion and in the mean time, what incentive is there for them to
maintain it in any way?
Secondly, the $9M price tag DOES NOT include a pedestrian bridge over 146th
Street, which is a necessity. Although they say it hasn’t been investigated (“we will
worry about that later” – Cooke), it has. There is documentation. Estimate – $4M.
This further alienates Noblesville from the process.
My point is that Mayor Fadness really couldn’t care less about Noblesville, it’s
taxpayers or even our officials. He wants what he wants and is willing to use them
to take the heat. The problem is, if he gets his way, all value in the rail is gone as it
will be fatally severed at its’ mid-point.
3 – Where will people gain access to this trail. Sure, it might be nice to have it
easily accessible to your neighborhood, but it isn’t your own “private” trail and will
encourage people (most of whom will have good intentions) to find ways to and
from. I remind you, that it is 100% bordered on the west side – primarily by quiet
neighborhoods. On the east side, there are few, if any places for a “trailhead.” Our
park and pool area, in Wellington North would be a perfect place to park, cross
the ravine and gain access. We are not interested in that.
That having been said, those that proposed a rail AND trail NEVER proposed any
encroachment on the west side of the railway. Concerns of tree removal and land
acquisition are unfounded. All trail activity could be parallel to and on the east
side of the railway. There are exactly 14 homes, In Wellington northeast that would
be affected, should that eventually become a reality. There are many other
options, including trails that are already funded between Fishers and Conner Prarie
and trails that already exist from South St. in Fishers to 106th.
The most difficult impediment to a train and trail on the footprint of the train
corridor is the area crossing Allisonville road on the south side of Noblesville. The
river and low terrain complicates things.
4 – The argument that the train causes congestion is absurd if the alternative is a
sporadic stream of pedestrians, runners, bicyclists, pets, children, and strollers
crossing 141st, 131st, etc. Operation of a freight train was NEVER proposed south
of Cicero.
5 – “Mass transit” to/from Indianapolis was also, NEVER proposed. Nor is it going
to be. Whether you are in favor or opposed, The state of Indiana has ceased all
discussion of Rail Mass Transit.
6 – What HAS been proposed (and ignored by officials) is a train to be used for
transportation of customers to and from a variety of events and excursions
ranging from farmer’s markets and brewery tours, to the familiar State Fair Train
and eventually, downtown Indianapolis events.
It would not be used for commuters or workers. It could, therefore, be scheduled
to run at off-peak hours to mitigate the traffic issues that occasionally arise,
particularly with 116th, 146th and SR32 in Noblesville.
These proposals were made by 4 of the 5 operators who submitted them. Have
you heard ANYTHING about them from Mayor Fadness, et. al?
The answer is, “NO,” you have not. Mayor Fadness, has slyly kept his mouth shut,
and Deputy Mayor Cooke, who has, to his credit, at least tried to push his ideas in
various public forums (if that’s to his credit) finds himself in the “dog house”
because of his relative disdain for the alternative.
It is no surprise that the operator that was selected was successful. It is simply
because they were the ONLY one considered and were able to give the mayors the
“we appeased the train people” argument.
There is virtually zero interest or value in train operations between Forest Park and
Tipton, IN. It works for the new operator because it gives them a place to store
their equipment.
7 – The ITM, although certainly not perfect, was unfairly removed from servicing
this line in the interest of advancing this trail proposal (which actually shrouds the
real goal, which is to acquire property on the NWC of 96th and Hague Road,
currently bisected by the railway.) They were operating legally, safely and
profitably, with no taxpayer funds until they were forced to satisfy standards which
exceeded their operation.
Whether they handled themselves well is a matter for discussion, but it really
doesn’t matter here. Regardless of whether they, or one of the other operators is
allowed to operate from Noblesville to Indy, the fact is, the rails are ready for
Once removed, any talk of “rail banking” is an absurd waste of words and money.
They will NEVER return.
In my opinion, an asset worth investigating much more carefully before removing
ANY opportunity to capitalize. The opportunity to enjoy a relatively unique
experience with friends and family while bringing people and income in to this
corridor from within and without is exciting. Just ask yourself; if a train ride to
Mass Ave in Indy (for example) were available on a Saturday evening, couldn’t you
take your walk elsewhere?
8 – A few people have mentioned the options for health and exercise the trail
would bring. In the absence of viable operation, I can’t disagree, but there IS a
better option. There ARE tons and tons of other trails.
Remember, we live in INDIANA. It rains a LOT, it snows a LOT and it is below
freezing – a LOT. A train would not care.
9 – The goal here, for Fadness is to Carmelize the center of Fishers and gain
property near the airport near 96th and Hague.
The goal for Noblesville is to simplify the proposed Pleasant Street extension to
create another east/west route through town.
A trail is just the tool to remove the tracks. Be wary of their tactics. They are not
“giving” you a trail without having ulterior motives. It will NOT generate income,
and in fact, once built for millions of dollars, will only further empty our pockets
every time it needs paved, plowed, repaired or the trash cans emptied.
10 – On one thing, we ALL agree – to do nothing is unacceptable and would result
in loss of property values and overgrowth, etc. Interestingly, it will always be an
income source to the HCPA as they own utility right-of ways along the corridor.
My hope is that we
– demand disclosure of all 5 proposals so we can know what we are actually
talking about.
– Allow there to be a more complete discussion, perhaps even a vote.
– Should public sentiment be in favor of a rail operation, then allow an operator a
chance to prove their service and value. No money spent by government or
– Should this prove impossible – pave it!
Mike Bowen