Long live Grandma!

From the Heart

I just read an article about how grandparents who babysit live longer. I would say that longevity is in my future.

Having babysat for six grandmunchkins over the past 21 years, I’d say I have earned some kind of reward.

For the past few days I have been in Tampa babysitting for Leah (6) and Aiden (8) while Emily and Drew celebrate their 10th wedding anniversary in London.

Emily sent me a color-coded itinerary a few days before I got here. I knew they were busy, but oh my goodness!

Aiden is an early riser. Leah, well, she rises with a little help and then gentle proddings to stay on task and on time.

Emily had all of their lunches fixed and their clothes laid out, so mornings were easy peasy. Yes, she is definitely organized. (She did not get that from her mother.)

They get on the bus at 9:00. I was at the pool by 11:00.

After school got out at 3:50, things got interesting. Leah has gymnastics three days a week from 4:00 to 6:00. Aiden has football two days a week. Both are about 30 minutes from their home.

As you can see, we can’t get there on time.

On days they have gymnastics and football they are “walkers” after school. They actually walk across the street from their elementary school to the middle school parking lot where I picked them up. If you actually get in the carpool line you need to get to the school about 30 minutes early so they are “walkers” and it’s faster.

I had to remind them every morning whether they rode the bus or would be “walkers”.

On Saturday, Leah had an 8:00 gymnastics meet about an hour away. I had to get her up at 6:00 and get her leo (leotard) on her, put a bun in her hair (which I had never done) and spray and glitter her hair.

Grabbed coffee at Dunkin Donuts!

We got there with time to spare and the bun stayed in place!

Aiden had a football game on Friday night. He’s the quarterback and he’s a really good one! (Yes, I’m a bit biased.) I saw that game. He had another game Saturday morning that I did not get to see. Thankful for another mom who helped out.

It’s deadline time as I am submitting this week’s column. I am having so much fun making memories.

I think it’s time for this grandma to take a nap. This longevity thing is exhausting.