Logan Day: “Don’t be fooled” about Steve Schwartz

Voters of Hamilton County,

If you weren’t compelled to vote on May 8, please read further:

Hamilton County government is plagued by a gang of “good ol’ boy” politicians who are willing to do or say nearly anything to stay in power. They choose their members, teach newcomers their devious methods, and contribute thousands of campaign dollars to protect and preserve fellow gang members.

One example is District 3 County Council member, Steve Schwartz. Since April 2018, his true identity as one of the gang has been revealed. A close acquaintance of mine, working directly with the Hamilton County Commissioners, warned me that they’d be trying to protect Schwartz’s spot on the council and that Schwartz would likely masquerade as a “Save the Train” supporter.

Sure enough, Schwartz inexplicably appeared in a photo with the commissioners on a trip to Washington, D.C. His campaign finance reports reveal that commissioners Altman, Heirbrandt and Dillinger collectively contributed $7,500 towards Schwartz’ campaign – that’s 33 percent of his total campaign fund.

In March and April, Schwartz attended his first ever Save the Nickel Plate (STKNP) meetings and claimed that the train had been saved. He went on to incorporate “Save Our Train” (and later changed it to “Keep Our Train”) artwork on his prominently displayed campaign trailer, failed to take any further council action to explore preservation of the railroad, and created a railroad support video – which he has so far refused to publish. To my knowledge, he also never displayed “Save Our Train” signs at his Noblesville business until now.

While many saw Steve Schwartz’ true colors early on, he had me fooled. Don’t be fooled – Schwartz is just another member of the gang. He won’t Save the Nickel Plate, he just wants your votes.

Please cast your ballot for Mark Hall. Hall is committed to saving the railroad and the Indiana Transportation Museum – just as the community wants.

Logan Day

Former President, Save the Nickel Plate, Inc.


1 Comment on "Logan Day: “Don’t be fooled” about Steve Schwartz"

  1. Susan Miller | April 28, 2018 at 8:25 am |

    Some of the gang members Logan Day refers to in this letter include Christine Altman and Greg O’Connor. Both were in on the plot to get rid of the train and the Indiana Transportation Museum from the very beginning. Their emails that prove this are on the Save the Nickel Plate website. Please vote for their opponents. Brad Beaver and Matt Milam are true supporters of the railroad tracks and the ITM and will listen to what the community wants. They are not bought and paid for by those who only care about power and money.

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