Local Lions Clubs & University H.S. baseball team assist Gleaners

Photo provided by Jake Doll, Noblesville Lions Club

On Tuesday, the Noblesville, Carmel, and Westfield Lions Clubs assisted with several members of the University High School (Carmel) baseball team in helping the Gleaners Mobile Pantry. As well as helping with the pantry, the high school team presented a donation of $250 to Gleaners. The Lions wish to thank these students for their help with this project and involvement in community service.

(ABOVE) The University High School baseball team presents a check to Gleaners. Lions members in attendance, but not pictured were, (from Carmel) Bill Ryan, Bob Yunker, and Lynn Thompson; (from Noblesville) Bruce Moss, Skylar Herold, Jeff Kozicki, Jeanne Auffrey, John Einsfeld, Joe Connerley, Lisa Rohe, Ron Sinicki, and Scott Willis; (from Westfield) Don Collins, Gary Smith, and Bill Nesbitt.

The University baseball team serving a line of food recipients. (Photo provided by Jake Doll, Noblesville Lions Club)