Horseshoe Prairie Chapter, National Society Daughters of the American Revolution is preparing commemorative activities leading up to the Chapter’s 50th anniversary in 2020. Throughout 2020 the Chapter will hold recognition ceremonies in collaboration with Conner Prairie and local government agencies as well as veterans organizations.
The “1776 Discovery and Commemoration” is the official title of the Horseshoe Prairie Chapter’s anniversary program and will honor Hamilton County Patriots who served in the Revolutionary War. There are at least 10 men who served during the War buried in Hamilton County, and in honor of their service and sacrifice to the founding of our country, the Chapter announces “Adopt a Patriot” project. Throughout 2020 Horseshoe Prairie members will place official DAR plaques at the gravesites of patriot soldiers.
How can you participate? Individuals and businesses can “Adopt a Patriot” through donations small and large. Horseshoe Prairie Chapter, NSDAR, is a 501(c)3 organization. For more information, including contribution levels and how those contributions will be used, contact Shirley Smith, Horseshoe Prairie Chapter, NSDAR at or (317) 752-4529.