Local author visiting Noblesville book store this Saturday

Do you need more joy in your workplace? Then visit the Noblesville Barnes and Noble Booksellers from noon to 3 p.m. on Saturday, Aug. 18. The store will host local author Amy Thornton Shankland to celebrate the release of her non-fiction book, Joy to You and Me (At Work!) from Tell-Tale Publishing.


Joy to You and Me (At Work!) can help anyone learn how to be a more joyful person and spread that joy to co-workers, customers and when networking with others.

“Being joyful at work isn’t just a nice thing to do each day,” said Shankland, “It actually increases productivity and is good for any company or organization.”

Shankland will be discussing, selling and signing copies of her book.

Barnes and Noble Booksellers is located at Stony Creek Marketplace, 17090 Mercantile Blvd. For more information, visit stores.barnesandnoble.com/store/2149 or call 317-773-7952.

About Amy Thornton Shankland

Amy Thornton Shankland, GPC, has been bringing joy to her workplaces for over 25 years thanks to her innate enthusiasm. She is a former Dale Carnegie instructor, has been a grant professional for 17 years, is a former columnist for the Noblesville Daily Times, and is a current board member of Noblesville Main Street. For more information on Amy Thornton Shankland, visit authoramythornton.wordpress.com or email grantsavenue@gmail.com.