Lloyd C. Long supports Mitch Russell for Sheriff

Dear Editor:

If you are like me, you have seen the many signs around Hamilton County for the upcoming 2018 Sheriff’s election. I believe there are more signs around for these individuals than I have seen for any other election. I guess it is great that we have so many good options for this position in our county. However, with such great options, how do we separate and pick the “best one” for the position of sheriff?

Being a lifelong resident of Hamilton County and a business owner here for over 37 years, there are four qualities that I really look for in an individual who will serve us in a public capacity. They are integrity, loyalty, service, and experience. While I will not question these qualities in the other individuals, I will speak on what I do know about one candidate.

This one particular candidate has shown integrity by standing for upholding the letter of the law. He has been willing to stand by himself in situations that he has deemed to be the best decision, the right decision, for those he has represented. In my experiences with this individual, if he said it, he meant it, and he did it.

As I look at loyalty, this is something that seems to be lost this day and age. This individual has lived in Hamilton County his whole life and has served in law enforcement in some capacity for over 41 years. He has made it very clear by that commitment that this is not just a career; it is a way of life he has chosen and excelled in.

Service truly shows the heart of an individual. I have watched as this individual served on a town council (president of that council as well), on youth sports boards, coached many different sports for both girls and boys, donated countless, unseen hours of working on youth sports facilities when no one saw, and serve his family in ways most men never figure out. He has always served sacrificially for what ever the need might be.

Experience speaks to the fact if a person cannot only do the job, but do it with excellence. This individual, as mentioned above, has over 41 years in law enforcement. He has served under five different Hamilton County Sheriffs. He has not only seen what has worked and what has not, but learned from those experiences. He has been in multiple leadership roles as a Hamilton County Officer as well as a Police Chief for one of our Hamilton County towns. He has worked in multiple situations of budgeting and meeting budgets as well.

In closing my thoughts, I first hope you will exercise your right, and privilege, to vote on May 8, 2018. Second, I hope you will consider the “best one” for Hamilton County and vote for Mitch Russell for Hamilton County Sheriff.

Lloyd C. Long
