Living in the Twilight Zone

From the Heart

Come out, come out wherever you are! Governor Holcomb gave the steps to unshelter … but.

Yes, that big old BUT.

If you are 65 or older or have underlying health issues, you need to continue to stay home. Limit going out to essential needs.

While I am not actually living in fear, I am living in what my mind is telling me. Better safe than sorry.

I am making the best of a very strange and ambiguous situation.

I rise and shine on Tuesday mornings at 6:00 to do the supermarket sweep at 7:00, before the young folk, under 65, get there. I am four months shy of 65, so if I get carded, I might get kicked to the curb. I figure the gray roots of my hair say that I am definitely a senior.

On one of my weekly trips to the grocery I needed flour. All they had was one bag … 25 pounds. Let’s just say I will be doing a lot of baking.

Speaking of flour leads me to my other love, that of flowers. Since Gatewoods has always been my go-to place for them, I mask up and head to the great outdoors to flower shop. I choose a cold, overcast day so very few gardeners might be there.

Coleus and Petunias and flowers that I never heard of, were calling my name. Pick me! Pick me! So I did.

I then come home and start playing in the dirt. I don’t even hear Chuck pulling into the drive. I finally look up and he is smiling. “Looks like you had a good time.” I smile back and say, “I did.”

While I dig in the dirt, I realize how this sheltering down has led to our slowing down. A time to be still. A time to truly enjoy the moments.

I realize my heart is not living in fear. It is simply learning a new happy, in the midst of so many I don’t knows.

I don’t know when it will be safe to be out and with my people. I don’t know when I can go hug my mom. I don’t know when I can be with my grandkids.

Chuck and I are just walking in the I don’t knows, taking it a day at a time. Wearing our masks.

As the Facebook meme said this week, “When we changed the clocks this spring, we had no idea we would find ourselves in the Twilight Zone.”

I hope that we can soon play “Governor May I?” and he responds … yes you may, even if you are 65.