Library cards can lead to ‘incredible’ finds

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It’s small but powerful. The 3 3/8-inch by 2 1/8-inch Hamilton North Public Library Evergreen card gives incredible access to information, resources, and entertainment, in person and virtually. How incredible is a library card? Let’s the count the ways and then share them with someone who hasn’t discovered the incredibility of owning an HNPL library card.

Incredible card benefits

Avid readers and book lovers know the value of a library card that gives them access to incredible adventures via fiction and nonfiction stories, new and old. For the less book-inclined, that little green card offers many other incredible benefits.

  • Free and easy access to computers
  • Free downloads of music, movies, e-books and audio books
  • Three free electronic resources for e-books and audio books and one for digital; magazines that are free to keep once downloaded
  • Free movie “rental”
  • Free “rentals” of CDs, DVDs, video games and magazines
  • Free “rentals” of books, audio books, Playaways, Discovery Packs and more
  • Reciprocal borrower access to all Hamilton County libraries
  • Reciprocal borrower access to Tipton and Sheridan libraries
  • Free borrowing privileges to approximately 115 Indiana libraries (via Evergreen interlibrary loans)

Now, isn’t that incredible?

Signing up

The benefits of a library card are incredible, so share with friends and neighbors how to get a library card. Cards are free to anyone living in Jackson Township. White River Township folks, who do not pay taxes toward the library, may purchase cards at a rate of $51 annually, which correlates to the current annual individual library tax rate. Students and teachers in the Hamilton Heights School Corporation are eligible for free cards.

To get a card, please bring to the circulation desk an ID, along with a billing statement mailed to the current address. Note that children under 18 must be accompanied by a sponsoring adult to get a card. For details, visit