Libertarian gubernatorial candidate Donald Rainwater signs Taxpayer Protection Pledge

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Submitted by Rainwater for Indiana


Donald Rainwater signed the Taxpayer Protection Pledge on Saturday, March 2, immediately following his gubernatorial nomination at the Indiana Libertarian Party Convention. This supports one of his main focuses: tax reform.

“I make the commitment of signing the Taxpayer Protection Pledge very seriously,” Rainwater said. “Hoosiers need a governor who will oppose and veto any state budget that includes new spending and/or tax increases. Hoosiers need to be able to determine how their hard-earned money is spent instead of the state government spending it for them. Calvin Coolidge said that collecting more taxes than is necessary to run the essential functions of government is legalized robbery. I will not allow that legalized robbery to continue in Indiana.”

Rainwater’s run for governor in 2020 exceeded all expectations. His message then and now is that a smaller government is best. He understands that the purpose of government is to protect people’s rights and provide a system of justice when problems arise.

“Hoosiers don’t need the government to run their lives,” Rainwater said. “They need opportunity, and a small efficient government will create that. We need Better Government, NOT Bigger Government.”

The pledge for candidates for governor from the Americans for Tax Reform can be found at this link.

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