Letters to the Editor do not reflect the opinions of The Reporter, its publisher or its staff. You can submit your own Letter to the Editor by email to News@ReadTheReporter.com. Please include your phone number and city of residence. The Reporter will publish one letter per person per week.
Dear Editor:
If you live in Hamilton County, are in the Military, or are one of our 14,000 Hamilton County Veterans, first of all, ‘Thank YOU’ for your service to this great country.
We, the Hamilton County Veterans Corp (HCVC), are asking our Military Veteran community, including all VFW & American Legion Post members, all Post Auxiliary, SAL, ALR, or VFW Riders, for your help.
If you belong to any of our five American Legion and two VFW Posts in Hamilton County, and wish to see your Post’s activities listed on the Veteran Community page of the Hamilton County Reporter, then please attend your Post meetings and ask that they assign someone the task of being an outreach coordinator for your Post. This outreach coordinator would be able to send Post activities, events, game nights, restaurant food, special evenings, parties, music, community events, and fundraisers at your Post every Wednesday to this newspaper’s reporter so we may keep our Hamilton County Reporter Veterans Community page alive so our Military Veteran community may stay informed.
This information would need to be 10 to 14 days in advance so we can get it in the paper for the community to see and know where to go.
This outreach coordinator could also be the Post marketing person going outside the Post walls to be in the community at events and resource fairs to invite our Military Veteran community to come into the Post, become a new member, or explain to your neighbors how they too may come into the Post for food, games, sign up to be a member of the Auxiliary and help keep your Post alive for our future Veterans and their families.
This Veteran Community page in the Hamilton County Reporter is free marketing/advertising for our seven Posts that your Hamilton County Veterans Corp is putting together every week, and the Stronger Veterans Stronger Communities coalition on the prevention of Veteran suicide is paying for. This is not a free page to run, but it is a free service to all our Posts and resources we are partnered with.
If you are a member of one of our American Legion or VFW Posts, please ask your officers to appoint someone to be your Post outreach officer/coordinator. If you are not a member, please go in and see the good our Posts are doing these days and sign up.
With this effort we can keep our Hamilton County Military Veteran community informed and continue bringing the resources to the community to reach those who are not connected and, in the process, save a life.
Hamilton County Veterans Corp