Saturday, May 13 is the 31st annual Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive, sponsored by the National Association of Letter Carriers (NALC), the largest one-day food drive in America.
Local NALC Union 888 has partnered with Hamilton County Harvest Food Bank, the Delaware Township Trustee’s Office, Open Doors Pantry of Westfield, and the full network of food pantries and meal programs across Hamilton County.
The letter carriers make this one of the easiest food drives where you can take part: just leave your non-perishable items in a bag (which is also provided in the mail the week before) by your mail box and they will pick it up on May 13. The food will be distributed all LOCALLY here in Hamilton County.

Many families helped organize and distribute food donations following last year’s “Stamp Out Hunger” drive, including the Shorter (top) and Myers (above left) families. (Above right) A panel van was needed to take all the donated food to the White River Food Pantry last year! (Photos provided by Hamilton County Harvest Food Bank)
According to Map the Meal Gap, there are 24,270 food-insecure individuals in Hamilton County, and many are children. 2023 has really stretched the resources of the local food support network with a demand increase of 50 percent or higher at some local food pantries. Your donation will help all the pantries tremendously.
Good items to donate include canned chicken or tuna, Chef Boyardee cans with meat, canned fruit, Chunky Meat soups, and small peanut butter jars.
For more information about Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive, Pack the Cruiser Food Drive, Meating the Need, Produce Project, and all of the programs that Hamilton County Harvest Food Bank partners with, please see You can also volunteer your time and talent with HCH at this link.